View Full Version : [SOLVED] C++ map

September 20th, 2008, 02:46 AM
I am attempting to do some graph algorithms and store the nodes in a map.

I am reading in data from a file and filling the nodes, my program is not reading in the number of nodes it should.

string line;
vector<string> singMovie;
vector<vector<string> > allMovies;
vector<string> actorsInCurrentMovie;
map<string,int> actors;
map<string,int>::const_iterator mlMap;
int actorCount=0;
typedef pair<string,int> Map_Pair;

ifstream myfile("movie-top-grossing.txt");
while(!myfile.eof()){ //while not empty
singMovie.clear(); //clear temp holder
getline(myfile,line); //read line from file
if(line==""){ //if line is empty
break; //get out of loop
Tokenize(line,singMovie,"/"); //split the string on the delim
allMovies.push_back(singMovie); //put the current movie into all movies
for(int i=1;i<singMovie.size();i++){ //loop through all actors (movie title is at "0" so start at 1
mlMap=actors.find(singMovie[i]); //search for actor
if(mlMap==actors.end()){ //if actor does not exist
actors.insert(Map_Pair(singMovie[i],actorCount)); //put the actor and the count into the map
actorCount++; //increase actor count



The number of movies I expect is 187 which I get correctly, but I do not the number of actors I expect. The number of actors I expect is off by 13. I know the file is right.

What I think is happening is that I am using the find function wrong. Since the find function returns an iterator, the iterator might return a result but not the the correct record I am looking for. By that I mean I think the hash function is not unique for these values and the iterator is not equal to the end so it does not add the actor but it should.

How do I check to make sure the find function is returning the right result and not just one with the same hash? Or am I way off base...

September 20th, 2008, 03:35 AM
The for-loop, where you are looping through all actors of a single movie, should begin from 0, not 1.

Btw, you should consider defining data structures to hold your data, rather than depend on "floating" definitions.

Also consider moving declarations of data closer to where they are first used and only needed. Case in point is some of the declarations you have outside the main loop.

Also consider adding white-space in your code; it would make it a lot easier to read.

September 20th, 2008, 03:51 AM
The loop should start at 1 not 0 this is intentional.

the file is Movie name/actor 1/actor 2/actor 3...... and I want to remove movie name

Turns out I had a different input file than I thought, so this isnt a problem anymore.

But is my question in general valid? Why does the find function return an iterator? Is it possible for it to return multiple results, results that have the same hash value but are different?

September 20th, 2008, 04:16 AM
Using an STL map, you can only use unique keys. Thus when using find(), you are guaranteed to either obtain an iterator to a valid pair (key,value) or the end iterator of the map; the latter implies the key was not found.

The usage of find() in your code is correct.

If for example you are storing movie titles as the key, then you should consider using an STL multimap.

Back to your original code, I would suggest using a structure to define a movie. For example:

// Vector of Actor names
typedef std::vector<std::string> Actors;

struct Movie
std::string title; // probably redundant??
Actors actors;
// date released, producing studio, etc.

// key = movie title, value = Movie structure
typedef std::multimap< std::string, Movie > AllMovies;
typedef AllMovies::const_iterator AllMovies_CIter;
typedef AllMovies::iterator AllMovies_Iter;

September 20th, 2008, 04:45 AM
oh, so the iterator is just returned to point to the key and the value.

in the final product there will be data structures, not as you mentioned but in a way to store a graph. most of what is in the loop is temporary to populate the graph nodes and edges.

the final product will have a class called node. each node corresponds to an actor. each node has an adajcency list of actors with a corresponding movie name.

this will allow an easy breadth first search to solve the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon problem.