View Full Version : [C] A multi-threaded program example using pthread library

September 18th, 2008, 03:49 AM
It seems many newbie programmers have an interest in writing multi-threaded applications, and on occasion they post their questions here on the forum.

I thought it would be nice if there was an example program, for which they could refer to, to understand the basics of creating threads and protecting shared-data objects.

Below is a simple example which derives its requirements from this Ubuntu Forums Programming Talk posting (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=921735). Please let me know if you have any (easy!) questions or comments.

#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for malloc and free
#include <unistd.h> // for usleep
#include <stdio.h> // for printf

// Job
typedef struct
// the information in this structure can be whatever one chooses
// to implement; the field 'data' is merely for test purposes
unsigned int data;
} Job;

// JobList
typedef struct
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
Job ** jobs;
unsigned int numJobs;
unsigned int nextJob;
} JobList;

// Args
typedef struct
int (*proc)( unsigned int, JobList * ); // the processor function for the thread
unsigned int tnum; // thread identifier
JobList * jobList; // the list of jobs to be processed
} Args;

// Function definition(s)
int jobProcessor( unsigned int, JobList * );
void * startThread( void * );
Job * getNextJob( JobList * );
void setupMutex( pthread_mutex_t * );
void parseCmdLineOptions( int, char **, unsigned int *, unsigned int * );

// main()
int main( int argc, char **argv )
// Default values, unless other value(s) specified on command line
unsigned int NUM_JOBS = 1000;
unsigned int NUM_THREADS = 5;

parseCmdLineOptions( argc, argv, &NUM_JOBS, &NUM_THREADS );

// Create JobList with the jobs, and setup the mutex that will ensure
// it is thread-safe...
JobList jobList;

setupMutex( &jobList.mutex );

jobList.jobs = malloc( sizeof(Job*) * NUM_JOBS );
jobList.numJobs = NUM_JOBS;
jobList.nextJob = 0;

for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_JOBS; ++i )
jobList.jobs[i] = malloc( sizeof(Job) );

jobList.jobs[i]->data = i;

// Setup thread args...
Args args;

args.jobList = &jobList;
args.proc = jobProcessor;

// Create/start the threads...
pthread_t tid[ NUM_THREADS ];
pthread_attr_t attr;

pthread_attr_setschedpolicy( &attr, SCHED_OTHER );

for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i )
args.tnum = i; // set thread number

pthread_create( &tid[i], &attr, startThread, (void*) &args );

// Wait for each thread to finish...
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i )
int *status = 0;

pthread_join( tid[i], (void**) &status );

printf( "thread %u terminated with status = %d\n", i, (int)status );

// Free remaining allocated memory...
free( jobList.jobs );

return 0;

// jobProcessor()
int jobProcessor( unsigned int tnum, JobList *jobList )
Job *job = 0;

while ( (job = getNextJob(jobList)) != 0 )
// got a job; now do something with it...
// printf( "Thread[%u], data = %u\n", tnum, job->data ); // commented out... not thread-safe!

// destroy the job...
free( job );

// arbitrary delay to give other threads a chance to play...
usleep( (rand() % 10) * 10000 );

return 0;

// startThread()
void * startThread( void *args )
Args *a = (Args*) args;

const int status = a->proc( a->tnum, a->jobList );

pthread_exit( (void*) status );

return NULL;

// getNextJob()
Job * getNextJob( JobList *jobList )
Job *job = 0;

// Enter critical section...
pthread_mutex_lock( &jobList->mutex );

// Get the next available job (if any)...
if ( jobList->nextJob < jobList->numJobs )
job = jobList->jobs[ jobList->nextJob ];


// Leave critical section...
pthread_mutex_unlock( &jobList->mutex );

return job;

// setupMutex()
void setupMutex( pthread_mutex_t *mutex )
pthread_mutexattr_t attr;

pthread_mutexattr_init( &attr );
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared( &attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE );
pthread_mutexattr_settype( &attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT );

pthread_mutex_init( mutex, &attr );

// parseCmdLineOptions()
void parseCmdLineOptions( int argc, char **argv, unsigned int *numJobs , unsigned int *numThreads )
int opt;

while ( (opt = getopt( argc, argv, "j:t:" )) != -1 )
switch (opt)
case 'j': *numJobs = atoi( optarg ); break;
case 't': *numThreads = atoi( optarg ); break;

printf( "Usage: %s [-j <num jobs>] [-t <num threads>]\n", argv[0] );
printf( "where by default 'num jobs' is 1000 and 'num threads' is 5\n\n" );
To compile this program, run this command:

gcc -std=gnu99 ThreadExample.c -o threadExample
P.S. This was my very first attempt at developing a pthread application in C! I've done many in C++, which is much easier, whether using the pthread libraries or using the Boost libraries.

September 18th, 2008, 07:18 AM
jobList.jobs = malloc( sizeof(Job) * NUM_JOBS );

should be

jobList.jobs = malloc( sizeof(Job*) * NUM_JOBS );

September 18th, 2008, 07:53 AM
jobList.jobs = malloc( sizeof(Job) * NUM_JOBS );

should be

jobList.jobs = malloc( sizeof(Job*) * NUM_JOBS );

You're absolutely right. I guess the program I originally presented worked because the size of the Job structure and the size of a pointer were coincidentally 4-bytes.

I will fix the code posted above.
