View Full Version : actionscript hitTest question

September 15th, 2008, 04:21 AM
I'm trying to make multiple squares that the player can't pass through. The problem I'm having is that when I make one, the other won't work because it's using the same global variables I have set up. I was wondering if there was a way I could do this without having to have each square have it's own variable; if they could all use the same global vars.


_root.axe = _root.player._y + " , " + _root.player._x;
_global.mdown = true;
_global.mup = true;
_global.mleft = true;
_global.mright = true;
_global.touching = false;


onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
if (_global.mdown == true) {
_root.axe = _root.player._y + " , " + _root.player._x;
this._y += 5;
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
if (_global.mup == true) {
_root.axe = _root.player._y + " , " + _root.player._x;
this._y -= 5;
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
if (_global.mleft == true) {
_root.axe = _root.player._y + " , " + _root.player._x;
this._x -= 5;
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
if (_global.mright == true) {
_root.axe = _root.player._y + " , " + _root.player._x;
this._x += 5;
if (this._x>50 or this._x<=0) {
this.y += 5;
if(touching == true){


Side of square:

_global.mdown = false;

_global.mdown = true;

For the square all I did was take 4 lines and put them together. This is the code for the top of the square, the left side of the square would be
_global.mright = false;