View Full Version : My first text game.

September 1st, 2008, 01:58 AM
Here is a little text game (very simple) that I have made. I could use a little constructive criticism. I'm sorry if the code is messy, I'm not very good with functions yet. Functions were always a weak spot for me in mathematics, and I guess it is the same for me in programming. You'll noticed that I defined some functions, but I never used them anywhere in the code.

Also at the end of the game the option is given to start over. Is there a way to do this without importing. Importing to restart doesn't seem like a good idea.
instructions = "To move press one of the following keys + 'enter':\nn (north), \
s (south), e (east), w (west)\nTo see your status type 'stats'.\
\n\nThe purpose of this game is to find and defeat the dragon.\n\
There are three locations on the map that will give you enhanced stats\n\
but, there are also three locations that will deplete your hp."

# Stats

# Player's Initial Health
hp = 30

# Dragon's Health
dhp = 100

# Equipment
equip1 = "none" #sword
equip2 = "none" #shield
equip3 = "none" #armor'

def user_name():
print name, surname

def user_name1():
print name

def user_name2():
print surname

name = raw_input("What is your first name?")
surname = raw_input("what is your last name?")

print 'Welcome', name, surname, 'to my game!'
print 'To see instructions type "inst"'
# Controls & Commands

x = 0
y = 0
n = "north"
s = "south"
e = "east"
w = "west"
spring = "none"

trap1 = "none"
trap2 = "none"
trap3 = "none"

# The Borders of the Map

while (x,y) != (-3,-1):
if x > 10:
x = x - 1
print "This is as far as you can go."
if x < -10:
x = x + 1
print "This is as far as you can go."
if y > 10:
y = y - 1
print "This is as far as you can go."
if y < -10:
y = y + 1
print "This is as far as you can go."

# Current Location
print "You are at", (x,y)

# Areas Where Equipment and Health Can Be Found

if equip2 == "none" and (x,y) == (9,-9):
equip2 = "shield"
print "You have acuired the shield!"

if equip1 == "none" and (x,y) == (-1,-3):
equip1 = "sword"
print "You have acuired the sword!"

if spring == "none" and (x,y) == (10,8):
spring = "entered"
hp = hp + 30
print "You have entered the Holy Spring.\nYou have received +30 Health."

# Traps!

if (x,y) == (-2,-1) and trap1 == "none":
hp = hp - 5
trap1 = "entered"
print "You have walked into a sand trap and lost 5 Health."

if (x,y) == (-6,5) and trap2 == "none":
hp = hp - 8
trap2 = "entered"
print "you are attacked by wolves and barely escape with your life.\nYou lose 8 Health."

if (x,y) == (-2,-7) and trap3 == "none":
hp = hp - 10
trap3 = "entered"
print "Your are stranded in the desert without food or water.\nYou lose 10 health."

# Begin Game

answer = raw_input("Which direction would you like to go? \n:")
if answer == "stats":
print "Health: ", hp, "\n" "Right Hand: ", equip1, "\n", "Left Hand: ", equip2
if answer == "inst":
print instructions
if answer == "n":
y = y + 1
if answer == "s":
y = y - 1
if answer == "e":
x = x + 1
if answer == "w":
x = x - 1

# Response to invalid commands.
elif answer != "n" and answer != "s" and answer != "e" and answer != "w" and answer != "stats" and answer != "inst":
print 'I don\'t understand "%s", try again.' % answer

# Final Battle

battle = "active"

print "You stand before the drawbridge of the castle, \nbefore the bridge a green dragon stands guard."
while battle == "active":
print "What will you do?"
choice = raw_input('"r" for Run, "f" for Fight":')
if choice == "stats":
print "Health: ", hp, "\n", "Right Hand: ", equip1, "\n", "Left Hand:", equip2
if choice == "r":
battle = "escaped"
if choice == "f":
if equip1 == "none":
print "You hit the dragon causing 4 damage."
dhp = dhp - 4
if equip1 == "sword":
print "you hit the dragon causing 10 damage!"
dhp = dhp - 10
if equip2 == "none":
print "The dragon attacks, causing you 7 damage."
hp = hp - 7
print "Your hp is ", hp, "\b."
if equip2 == "shield":
print "The dragon attacks, only causing you 4 damage."
hp = hp - 4
print "Your Health is ", hp, "\b."
if choice != "f" and "r" and "stats" and "inst":
print "You miss the dragon and hit yourself!"
print "You lose 6 health."
hp = hp - 6
print "your hp is ", hp, "\b."
if hp <= 0:
battle = "lost"
elif dhp <= 0:
battle = "won"

if battle == "escaped":
print "Too bad you are chicken!"
if battle == "lost":
print "You have lost your life to the dragon.\nGame Over"
if battle == "won":
print "Congratulations! You have slain the dragon and saved the Kingdom."

rebt = "no"
while rebt == "no":
GameOver = raw_input('Would you like to play again?\ny or n: ')
if GameOver == "n":
rebt = "yes"
if GameOver == "y":
import MyGameNoImport

Attached is a little map, so that nobody gets too bored trying to find stuff.

Orange - starting point
Yellow - equipment
Blue - spring
Red - traps
Violet - target

September 1st, 2008, 05:03 AM
I like what I see so far dodle. This is a cool idea to start with because you can continue to develop it further and add interesting features. You should definitely look into using functions, it will make your life a LOT easier when you have to go back and modify the code.

Maybe in the next version you can experiment with a visual representation of the world rather than just printing the coordinates. Google a tutorial on how to clear the screen with python so the user's inputs don't scroll up the screen. And for restarting the game, my suggestion would be to set the health, location, and all of that back to the original values and continue running the program from there. Again, easy to do with some functions. Good job so far!

September 1st, 2008, 05:23 AM
Thanks Mdawg, I appreciate your input. I wanted to start working on a graphical version but figured I should get functions down first. This is actually my very first attempt at programming (other than 'Hello World'). I've never had any experience in C++, Java, or any other language. If I get Python down, I might try another language.

September 1st, 2008, 05:33 AM
if choice != "f" and "r" and "stats" and "inst":

What were you expecting this to do? It's more than likely that it's not what it actually does.

September 1st, 2008, 05:45 AM
For things like damage statistics and whatnot, you could make it more real by adding random numbers into the mix. Say you have a dragon attacking, and you want him to be able to do some damage points no higher than 5, and no less than 2, you could do something like this:

damage = random.randrange(2, 5)

Make sure you import the random library at the top before using random numbers.

import random
# OR
from random import randrange

September 1st, 2008, 06:01 AM
Good job and congratulations I suggest looking into classes and using those to organize you game further. Here are a few good python references:

I highly recommend the first tutorial to any python and programming beginner, they were very helpful to me. The eventually teach you how to make a pacman and an astroids game :D
those will be very helpful to you and dont just follow one tutorial, go along several, that way you can learn the same things in a different way.

September 1st, 2008, 10:26 AM
if choice != "f" and "r" and "stats" and "inst":

What were you expecting this to do? It's more than likely that it's not what it actually does.

That's for if a command is typed other than those four during battle, then the result is this:
print "You miss the dragon and hit yourself!"
print "You lose 6 health."
hp = hp - 6

For things like damage statistics and whatnot, you could make it more real by adding random numbers into the mix. Say you have a dragon attacking, and you want him to be able to do some damage points no higher than 5, and no less than 2, you could do something like this:

damage = random.randrange(2, 5)
Make sure you import the random library at the top before using random numbers.

import random
# OR
from random import randrangeThanks Sinkingships7, I was wondering how I was going to do that.

September 1st, 2008, 10:43 AM
Id also recommend randomising the location of the items you can pick up.

Also, if you eventually wanted to add a text-graphical aspect (i.e. a character for the player and characters for monsters/scenery etc?) for the boundaries of the game you could place some text characters (i.e. "] or [" at the locations where you display

print "This is as far as you can go."

and make it so that if they try to move into the boundary nothing happens - i.e. make a wall. You could also implement this within the grid (or future sub grids to make mazes/caves etc).

Things like this are great because you can always add more to them - but loooking very good so far!

Paul Miller
September 1st, 2008, 10:56 AM
That's for if a command is typed other than those four during battle, then the result is this:
print "You miss the dragon and hit yourself!"
print "You lose 6 health."
hp = hp - 6

In that case, what you want is

if choice not in ["f", "r", "stats", "inst"]:

September 1st, 2008, 12:18 PM
Also at the end of the game the option is given to start over. Is there a way to do this without importing. Importing to restart doesn't seem like a good idea.

This is causing an error in the game; It only allows playing through the game twice. Is there a way to return to the top of the script without exiting the program?

Thanks for the input everybody, I'm having a lot of fun with this.

September 1st, 2008, 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by dodle
Also at the end of the game the option is given to start over. Is there a way to do this without importing. Importing to restart doesn't seem like a good idea.

This is causing an error in the game; It only allows playing through the game twice. Is there a way to return to the top of the script without exiting the program?

Thanks for the input everybody, I'm having a lot of fun with this.

Couldn't you achieve this with a DO loop? It seems as though you specify all starting parameters at the beginning? Make the game loop until the users response triggers it not to continue anymore.

i.e. in pseudoish code example

do while (continue == 1){
# Stats

# Player's Initial Health
hp = 30

# Dragon's Health
dhp = 100

# Equipment
equip1 = "none" #sword
equip2 = "none" #shield
equip3 = "none" #armor'


while rebt == "no":
GameOver = raw_input('Would you like to play again?\ny or n: ')
if GameOver == "n":
continue = 0:
if GameOver == "y":

end do

EDIT (Excuse all errors!)

September 1st, 2008, 02:15 PM
"do while" gives me an invalid syntax error.

September 1st, 2008, 02:28 PM
I suggest looking into classes and using those to organize you game further. Here are a few good python references:

I **DO NOT** recommend classes and OOP - you will get confused. Livewire intro is good, but "Dive into Python" is for experienced programmers learning Python as second language, not first.

See wiki in my sig for good Python intro for beginners, and more tasks to solve.

September 1st, 2008, 04:30 PM
This is causing an error in the game; It only allows playing through the game twice. Is there a way to return to the top of the script without exiting the program?

Thanks for the input everybody, I'm having a lot of fun with this.

If I were you, I'd use a while loop around your whole script (there is no do...while in Python). Example :

exit = False
while not exit :

#all the game stuff here.

print "Game over, do you want to play again? (y/n)"

while True :
a = raw_input()

if a == "n" :
exit = True

if a in ["y", "n"] :

September 1st, 2008, 05:17 PM
Or you could have the Game in a method all to itself.

def Game:
#Game Code Here
print "Play Again?(y/n)"
u = raw_input()
return u

#Start First Game
run = "y"
while run == "y":

September 1st, 2008, 05:21 PM
Or you could have the Game in a method all to itself.

def Game:
#Game Code Here
print "Play Again?(y/n)"
u = raw_input()
if u == "y":

#Start First Game

No, this would be very bad practice. Recursivity should not be used that way.

September 1st, 2008, 06:07 PM
First, break out the game into pieces (functions) before getting yourself into Object Oriented Programming (aka OOP) using classes. I have to admit this is the task for such an approach, as it makes everything more intuitive (you have a "sword" object, a "player", a "dragon, etc. and you assign each one some propierties and actions...) but it's a bit harder concept to master and not absolutely necessary, so better let's use the second-best: procedural programming.

What you need is to recognize common patterns. For example, common actions that will be performed many times, like "moving around the map". But, of course, you just can't move from nowhere to no place (unless you're the Nowhere Man from The Beatles :)...) you need to know the starting position and the steps you want to move... So, let's create a function for that, that accepts a 'current_position' list in the form [x, y] and a 'steps' list [x, y] that will be performed:

def move(current_position, steps):
current_position[0] += steps[0] # x += y is shorthand for x = x + y.
current_position[1] += steps[1]

Ok, this is a *very* rough way to do it. What's nice about that? That you just need to pass [1,1] into steps to have the player moving north-east, for example, or if I invented a magical potion that makes you faster, it'd allow you to "warp" 4 steps... etc... Anyway, you just use it this way:

player_pos = [0, 0] # player's initial position

# ...code...
# Oh, we have to move now southwards!
move(player_pos, [0, -1])

# Now, two spaces north, 21 east!
move(player_pos, [2, 21])

Do you notice the huge amount of flexibility you gain just because of that simple function? Why? Because all moves around the map will be of the same type... and if you want to add a second player, the same function will work for him/her too!

Other common patterns, for example, changes in the player's health (either positive 'cure' or negative 'damage') could be modeled into a function you call each time it's necessary. Or "finding something"... everytime you find something you do the same: add the item to the player's "bag"... and so on.

If you do it that way, you'll be able to extend the game in a reasonably easy way.

EDIT: About restarting... if you apply this concepts I told you here, it will be quite easy.