November 9th, 2005, 06:17 PM
<div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-start"><label>Start: </label>2005-10-30 09:00</div></div>
<div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-end"><label>End: </label>2005-10-30 17:00</div></div>
<div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-tz"><label>Timezone: </label>Canada/Eastern</div></div>
<p>The <a href="">UbuntuBelowZero</a> developer summit will be keenly focused on planning for Ubuntu 6.04 (Dapper Drake), and mostly of interest to existing Ubuntu developers… So we’ve dedicated an entire day to users and hopeful contributors with lots of great presentations from Ubuntu dudes, and workshops to help you get involved! </p>
<p>Whether you’d like to join the developer team or figure out how to contribute in another way, <a href="">Ubuntu Love Day</a> is for you! Join us in Montreal on October 30th.</p>
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<div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-end"><label>End: </label>2005-10-30 17:00</div></div>
<div class="event-nodeapi"><div class="event-tz"><label>Timezone: </label>Canada/Eastern</div></div>
<p>The <a href="">UbuntuBelowZero</a> developer summit will be keenly focused on planning for Ubuntu 6.04 (Dapper Drake), and mostly of interest to existing Ubuntu developers… So we’ve dedicated an entire day to users and hopeful contributors with lots of great presentations from Ubuntu dudes, and workshops to help you get involved! </p>
<p>Whether you’d like to join the developer team or figure out how to contribute in another way, <a href="">Ubuntu Love Day</a> is for you! Join us in Montreal on October 30th.</p>
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