View Full Version : Rochester Events Query

July 30th, 2008, 03:47 PM
I have looked on several sites and not seen any planned events in the Rochester, NY area for this fall...

Are there any planned but not publicized yet?
Does anyone need any assistance?

September 6th, 2008, 05:19 PM
Wow, it's been dead around here for a while. It was busy when I lived in Ohio, and now y'all go underground when I move to Rochester! :frown:

However will I learn the secret handshake if it's not on the Wiki??? :confused:

November 16th, 2008, 01:50 AM
There's no secret handshake ;-) We've just been idle for the summer.Now we're waking up for the fall.We have many events planned you might be interested in attending the LUGOR meetings (3rd thursday of each month) at RIT http://lugor.org.You'll find that Rochester isn't dead for linux related events.For Ubuntu LoCo related events we plan on meeting every 1st Thursday of each Month.We're trying different locations this year hoping we'll conncet with more people this way.So I'll post a schedule as to where and when the meetup is planned.Tentatively the locations are B&N @ RIT and the Pittsford library.

For the month of December PrivateVoid has organized a meetup at the Barnes & Noble at RIT which is located east of RIT on the corner of John Street and Jefferson Road.The date is 12/04 and the time is 7pm.Anyone interested in Open Source and or Linux is welcome.We hope to see some new faces this year.I always bring disks to hand out so if you want one feel free to show up.


November 16th, 2008, 01:52 AM
Thanks for the response Brian. I will see you at the event at B&N @RIT