View Full Version : Bluetooth to POTS

July 29th, 2008, 09:18 PM
I found this thing (http://www.target.com/GE-Cell-Fusion-Bluetooth-Gateway/dp/B0017YPHQ0/qid=1217362250/ref=br_1_13/601-0110680-1309724?ie=UTF8&node=14127071&frombrowse=1&pricerange=&index=tgt-mf-mv&field-browse=14127071&rank=pmrank&rh=&page=1) at Target the other day. It appears that it connects you cell phone to your POTS system. My parents have a desire to keep a phone in their house, but are complaining about the expense. I'm thinking about getting them this, but I was thinking, couldn't a computer with a bluetooth dongle and a modem do the same thing?