View Full Version : [SOLVED] refreshing JFrame's in java

Despot Despondency
July 13th, 2008, 05:00 PM
Hey. I'm having a problem refreshing a JFrame when clearing the contentPane and then adding a new JPanel to it. I've got a JFrame and when I clear the contentPane, with removeAll(), and then add a new JPanel I have to minimize the window and then enlarge it before the changes take affect. Here's the code

package gui;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class Interface extends JFrame{

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private static JFrame frame;

public Interface(){
frame = new JFrame("Risk");

private static void createAndShowGUI(){

public static void MainMenu(){

MenuPanel menu = new MenuPanel();

public static void NewGameMenu(){

NewGamePanel newGamePanel = new NewGamePanel();

Any suggestions?

July 13th, 2008, 05:06 PM
This is off the top of my head, and its a while since I used swing extensively, but I seem to remember there being methods something like revalidate and repaint....those ought to do it.

I might well be remembering the names wrong though..

Actually, this threaed is useful :)


Despot Despondency
July 13th, 2008, 05:19 PM
Cool, thanks for your help. Used the validate() function, which seemed to work. Didn't seem to be any mention of it in the threads I found. Cheers again. :)

July 13th, 2008, 05:31 PM
Just so you know, I believe swing expects you to use revalidate() not validate(). validate is an awt command, so it probably works, but may cause a few quirks, I'd stick to revalidate instead.