View Full Version : X error trying to create window using GLX 1.3 functions

July 12th, 2008, 03:44 AM
I'm trying to create a GLX context and window using the GLX 1.3 (new-style) functions. Everything seems to be going smoothly, until I try to create my X window (using XCreateWindow). I get an X error: Bad Request.

I think the problem is in the 'class' argument. The value I'm using (InputOutput) doesn't match the value found in the XVisualInfo struct I'm getting from GLX. I can't use the value in the struct, though - it's '4', which isn't a valid value for the class argument. I get an X error to that effect if i try to use it.

The full code is here (http://pastebin.com/d5d85ab8) (pastebin.com).