View Full Version : [C] Experiences/Opinions/Rants on Glib's trees?

July 9th, 2008, 06:06 PM
I'm enjoying the pleasure of reimplementing n-ary trees by my own with quite good advances; just to learn something on data structures.

I know Glib already supports n-ary trees, so after having finished my code, I'll probably do the same but using that library instead of mine. It will an interesting thing to compare my way-of-doing against a more serious library's.

So, I'd be glad to know if someone has worked with Glib's trees before. At a first glance, the API (as all GNOME's) is fairly readable, but are there any drawbacks or, maybe, a better library for this "experiment"?

(Yes, I'm getting very interested in libraries programming, rather than applications... :p Hey, the world needs people working at the backstages!)