View Full Version : Caller and Callee

June 27th, 2008, 06:15 PM
assume callee needs three registers %ebx %edi %esi*/
int func(int n1, int n2) {
int temp = n1 * n2;
return temp - (n1 + n2);

//caller %eax %edx %ecx
int main()
int a = 4;
int b = 8;
int c = func(a, b);
return 0;


// my work here, can someone please help in verifying it? //Basically, I dont want to overwrite the callee before saving
// the values

pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
movl 8(%ebp), %ecx ;; addressing modes -- copy a into ecx
movl 12(%ebp), %edx ;; addressing modes -- copy b into edx
pushl %edi ;; need to be pushed onto the stack before altering them
push %esi ;; need to be pushed onto the stack before altering them
push %ebx ;; need to be pushed onto the stack before altering them
movl %edx,%edi ;; copy b on edi
movl %ecx, %esi ;; copy a on esi
imull (%esi,%edi), %ebx ;; multiply a * b and store value in ebx
subl %esi, %ebx ;; subtract a from temp
subl %edi, %ebx ;; subtract b from temp
movl %ebx, %eax ;; set up return value
popl %edi ;; return
popl %esi ;; return
popl %ebx ;; return
movl %ebp, %esp ;; reset the stack pointer
popl %ebp ;; reset the frame pointer
ret ;; return

Thanks for your help:)

June 27th, 2008, 09:52 PM
Ugh... (g)as is umm... smelly! :)

Here's a version in NASM.

; nasm -f elf -o mathfunc.o mathfunc.asm
; ld -o mathfunc mathfunc.o

global _start

section .data

resstr db "The result is: "
reslen equ $ - resstr

section .bss

buffer resb 256

section .text

; do a call to compute( 5, 6 )
push 6
push 5
call compute

; display text
push eax
mov eax, 4 ; __NR_write
mov ebx, 1 ; stdout
mov ecx, resstr
mov edx, reslen
int 80h
pop eax

; convert result to a decimal string
call eax2dec

; display result
mov eax, 4 ; __NR_write
mov ebx, 1 ; stdout
mov ecx, buffer
int 80h

mov eax, 1 ; __NR_exit
int 80h

; INPUT: two dword args on the stack
; OUTPUT: 'eax' contains the result
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
and esp, 0xfffffffc
push edx
push ebx
mov eax, [ebp+12]
mov ebx, [ebp+8]
imul ebx
add ebx, [ebp+12]
sub eax, ebx
pop ebx
pop edx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 8

; INPUT: 'eax' contains number to convert
; OUTPUT: 'edx' contains length of string
push ecx
push ebx
mov ebx, 10
xor ecx, ecx

div ebx
push edx
inc ecx
cmp eax, 0
jnz .loop01

xor edx, edx
pop eax
add eax, 48
mov [buffer + edx], al
inc edx
dec ecx
jnz .loop02

; add a 'newline' character
mov BYTE [buffer + edx], 10
inc edx
pop ebx
pop ecx


June 28th, 2008, 01:33 AM
I don't like the way you use registers ... why not use registers that are next to eachother in the alphabetical sense? (eax, ebx, ecx).

June 28th, 2008, 01:38 AM
I don't like the way you use registers ... why not use registers that are next to eachother in the alphabetical sense? (eax, ebx, ecx).

Theres more than one way to do it.

June 28th, 2008, 01:38 AM
This is a requirement that I have to follow, but..apart from that, have I done other things right?

June 28th, 2008, 04:10 AM
I don't like the way you use registers ... why not use registers that are next to eachother in the alphabetical sense? (eax, ebx, ecx).

??? What part of the code are you talking about?


June 28th, 2008, 04:17 AM
This is a requirement that I have to follow, but..apart from that, have I done other things right?

Depends on your goal. Your subject line is "Caller and Callee", so are you trying to mimic the C calling convention where the Caller is responsible for cleaning up the stack? If so, here a version of the above with ";<<<" to indicate the few lines that were modified to mimic a C-style call.

; nasm -f elf -o cmathfunc.o cmathfunc.asm
; ld -o cmathfunc cmathfunc.o

global _start

section .data

resstr db "The result is: "
reslen equ $ - resstr

section .bss

buffer resb 256

section .text

; do a call to compute( 5, 6 )
push 6
push 5
call compute

; display text
push eax
mov eax, 4 ; __NR_write
mov ebx, 1 ; stdout
mov ecx, resstr
mov edx, reslen
int 80h
pop eax

; convert result to a decimal string
call eax2dec
add esp, 8 ;<<<

; display result
mov eax, 4 ; __NR_write
mov ebx, 1 ; stdout
mov ecx, buffer
int 80h

mov eax, 1 ; __NR_exit
int 80h

; INPUT: two dword args on the stack
; OUTPUT: 'eax' contains the result
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
and esp, 0xfffffffc
push edx
push ebx
mov eax, [ebp+12]
mov ebx, [ebp+8]
imul ebx
add ebx, [ebp+12]
sub eax, ebx
pop ebx
pop edx
;mov esp, ebp ;<<<
pop ebp
;ret 8 ;<<<

; INPUT: 'eax' contains number to convert
; OUTPUT: 'edx' contains length of string
push ecx
push ebx
mov ebx, 10
xor ecx, ecx

div ebx
push edx
inc ecx
cmp eax, 0
jnz .loop01

xor edx, edx
pop eax
add eax, 48
mov [buffer + edx], al
inc edx
dec ecx
jnz .loop02

; add a 'newline' character
mov BYTE [buffer + edx], 10
inc edx
pop ebx
pop ecx


June 28th, 2008, 05:03 AM
Theres more than one way to do it.
you obviously have not seen assembly in DOS and assembly in Linux.

In Linux, every system call in assembly contains the function call in eax, the first argument in ebx, then ecx, edx, and so on ...

in DOS though ... just to print a single character, you have to put the function number in eax, the character in edx, some other argument somewhere else and call 21h (or was it 10h? I don't remember).

There are many ways to do things, some are nicer than others.

June 28th, 2008, 05:18 AM
in DOS though ... just to print a single character, you have to put the function number in eax, the character in edx, some other argument somewhere else and call 21h (or was it 10h? I don't remember).

You used a 32-bit DOS?? :)

It sometimes was even more complicated than you remember. Some functions had subfunctions. You'd put the function number in 'ah' and the sub-function number in 'al', but if you're clever, you'd actually do a "mov ax, <number>" to satisfy both needs with a single instruction.


June 28th, 2008, 05:26 AM
You used a 32-bit DOS?? :)

It sometimes was even more complicated than you remember. Some functions had subfunctions. You'd put the function number in 'ah' and the sub-function number in 'al', but if you're clever, you'd actually do a "mov ax, <number>" to satisfy both needs with a single instruction.

I was referring to the print character as having a sub function, but when I saw a Linux assembly tutorial, I was like "WTF?! why didn't they teach THIS instead?!"

EDIT: I admit it, it was 16bit DOS under Windows XP ... :-\

June 30th, 2008, 01:24 PM
Hang on, hang on! Where does all this stuff about system calls come in? There's nothing in the original post that suggests any requirement to print things out--it seems to be exploring how a compiler would compile and call a simple function. System calls are a completely different beast, and you wouldn't normally see them in user code these days; they'd be squirreled away in some pre-built library.

To the OP: perhaps it would help if you gave us a bit more information on what you're actually trying to do. I take it you're effectively hand-compiling your callee "func"--your version will more or less do what the C says, but I'm not sure you've entirely grasped the point of the exercise.

There is one out-and-out error: you are restoring your registers in the wrong order. You must pop them in the reverse order that you pushed them or they will be swapped and the caller will likely crash. (If it expects them to be preserved, which I'm assuming that it does).

I'm going to make a wild guess that you're not supposed to apply any optimisation. You've made a few optimisations of the type that a human programmer will do instinctively but your first-pass naive compilation stage won't. Your function has a local variable which you're storing in ebx. This is fine, but if I were setting a question like this I'd be looking for an understanding of how a compiler sets up a local variable on the stack. Your function prologue looks a little odd--you load your parameters into scratch registers, then save the registers you need to save, then transfer them across. I'd expect your first pass from a real compiler to look like: (note I'm using nasm syntax as I agree that gas is nasty)

Set up the stack frame (push ebp; mov ebp, esp; you got this bit fine).
Reserve stack space for local variables ('temp').
Save registers (that the caller is expecting will be preserved).
Load the two parameters, and multiply them. Save the result in 'temp'. (The store to memory might later be optimised away.)
Load the two parameters, and add them. Load 'temp'. Subtract the result of the add from 'temp'. Save the result in 'temp'. (Most, if not all, of the memory accesses for this source line might later be optimised away.)
Load 'temp' into the return register (on x86, this will be al/ax/eax/rax, unless the compiler is VERY perverse). (A good optimiser might shuffle its register allocation so that the end result just happens to be in eax when it's needed.)
Restore the registers it saved (in the right order).
Pull the stack back over the local variables.
Restore the previous stack frame. (You have a redundant 'mov ebp, esp' here, since ebp is about to be popped from the stack anyway.)

June 30th, 2008, 02:04 PM
Hang on, hang on! Where does all this stuff about system calls come in? There's nothing in the original post that suggests any requirement to print things out--it seems to be exploring how a compiler would compile and call a simple function. System calls are a completely different beast, and you wouldn't normally see them in user code these days; they'd be squirreled away in some pre-built library.

To the OP: perhaps it would help if you gave us a bit more information on what you're actually trying to do. I take it you're effectively hand-compiling your callee "func"--your version will more or less do what the C says, but I'm not sure you've entirely grasped the point of the exercise.

There is one out-and-out error: you are restoring your registers in the wrong order. You must pop them in the reverse order that you pushed them or they will be swapped and the caller will likely crash. (If it expects them to be preserved, which I'm assuming that it does).

I'm going to make a wild guess that you're not supposed to apply any optimisation. You've made a few optimisations of the type that a human programmer will do instinctively but your first-pass naive compilation stage won't. Your function has a local variable which you're storing in ebx. This is fine, but if I were setting a question like this I'd be looking for an understanding of how a compiler sets up a local variable on the stack. Your function prologue looks a little odd--you load your parameters into scratch registers, then save the registers you need to save, then transfer them across. I'd expect your first pass from a real compiler to look like: (note I'm using nasm syntax as I agree that gas is nasty)

Set up the stack frame (push ebp; mov ebp, esp; you got this bit fine).
Reserve stack space for local variables ('temp').
Save registers (that the caller is expecting will be preserved).
Load the two parameters, and multiply them. Save the result in 'temp'. (The store to memory might later be optimised away.)
Load the two parameters, and add them. Load 'temp'. Subtract the result of the add from 'temp'. Save the result in 'temp'. (Most, if not all, of the memory accesses for this source line might later be optimised away.)
Load 'temp' into the return register (on x86, this will be al/ax/eax/rax, unless the compiler is VERY perverse). (A good optimiser might shuffle its register allocation so that the end result just happens to be in eax when it's needed.)
Restore the registers it saved (in the right order).
Pull the stack back over the local variables.
Restore the previous stack frame. (You have a redundant 'mov ebp, esp' here, since ebp is about to be popped from the stack anyway.)
you missed the point of the syscall example. like I've said in an earlier post, there is a right way to do things and a wrong way and the syscall example shows an example of each.

June 30th, 2008, 03:26 PM
you missed the point of the syscall example. like I've said in an earlier post, there is a right way to do things and a wrong way and the syscall example shows an example of each.

And there's a right and a wrong way to boil an egg--that doesn't necessarily mean they're relevant to a discussion of compiler techniques. :) :) The OP asked for a critique of his solution without actually specifying what the problem was. Nathan then came up with his own version, but added some extra sugar in the form of a syscall to print the results. We then went off on a discussion of syscalls. My point is, this is all very well, but it's the one bit of Nathan's example that doesn't relate to the original post. There's no syscall in the original C code, and they use a different calling mechanism anyway.

June 30th, 2008, 06:54 PM
And there's a right and a wrong way to boil an egg--that doesn't necessarily mean they're relevant to a discussion of compiler techniques. :) :) The OP asked for a critique of his solution without actually specifying what the problem was. Nathan then came up with his own version, but added some extra sugar in the form of a syscall to print the results. We then went off on a discussion of syscalls. My point is, this is all very well, but it's the one bit of Nathan's example that doesn't relate to the original post. There's no syscall in the original C code, and they use a different calling mechanism anyway.

I think you are right that the OP wants to mimic a "first-pass" solution. In that case, his posted code...

movl 8(%ebp), %ecx ;; addressing modes -- copy a into ecx
movl 12(%ebp), %edx ;; addressing modes -- copy b into edx
movl %edx,%edi ;; copy b on edi
movl %ecx, %esi ;; copy a on esi
imull (%esi,%edi), %ebx ;; multiply a * b and store value in ebx
subl %esi, %ebx ;; subtract a from temp
subl %edi, %ebx ;; subtract b from temp

...which trashes 6 registers (uses a local variable) is a lot closer to the correct answer than my code...

mov eax, [ebp+12]
mov ebx, [ebp+8]
imul ebx
add ebx, [ebp+12]
sub eax, ebx

...which trashes only 3 registers (no local variable) but doesn't represent a naive compiler production.


June 30th, 2008, 07:02 PM
Pull the stack back over the local variables.
Restore the previous stack frame. (You have a redundant 'mov ebp, esp' here, since ebp is about to be popped from the stack anyway.)

Uh... depends on which calling convention is used.

The above is correct for a Standard Call (where the 'Callee' is responsible for restoring the stack).

A CCall would adjust the stack to remove the local variables, but it would leave it to the 'Caller' to restore the stack frame.


June 30th, 2008, 11:01 PM
Uh... depends on which calling convention is used.

The above is correct for a Standard Call (where the 'Callee' is responsible for restoring the stack).

A CCall would adjust the stack to remove the local variables, but it would leave it to the 'Caller' to restore the stack frame.

Sorry--by 'restore the stack frame' I just meant 'pop ebp'. I didn't mean that the callee should wind the stack back past its own actual parameters with a 'ret nnnn' instruction.

(And I confess, I had to read through your example a couple of times to confirm that it did the same as the C--you optimised a bit further than the compiled code I'm used to reading!)