View Full Version : A real plan

June 23rd, 2008, 01:13 AM
I’ve heard the silliest arguments as to why people should switch from Windows or Apple to Linux.
Some try to overplay the threat of viruses to Windows users or the difficulty of protecting one’s self from them. (Of course, need we remind you that Apple doesn’t get viruses either.)
Others try to say that supporting large corporations is evil. (one person told me that Windows was “the devil’s OS”) Unless you live in a cave and hunt your food with a stick you support LOTS of large “evil” companies – so that isn’t much of an argument either.

Standing up against the masses screaming “Windows Sucks” or “Apple Sucks” won’t change a thing either because the fact is they don’t suck. No other OS can hold a candle to the sheer volume of software titles available to you with Windows. Apple has survived mainly due to their creative designs and focusing on the “wow” factor.
Besides, people are so entrenched in their habits that trying to tell them that they are using an inferior product (particularly when it is the most popular product) isn’t going to sit well with them either.

Contrary to what you might think – I actually like Linux, and Ubuntu in particular. I would like to offer an actual plan that will guarantee a large market share for Linux. It would have to be a grassroots movement, but it is a very simple idea:

When you are planning on buying a new computer load a version of Linux on your old computer and donate it to a school or church or camp or after school program. Better yet, start a computer drive in you area and gather as many older computers as you can – then load them with Linux and give them to these places. If you get kids growing up using Linux then Linux will become their OS of choice! After all the main reason that most people use Windows is because it is what they know!

Get them young and you will have them for life.

June 23rd, 2008, 01:22 AM
When you are planning on buying a new computer load a version of Linux on your old computer and donate it to a school or church or camp or after school program. That's precisely what Alameda County Computer Resource Center (http://www.accrc.org/) does. I'm sure there are organizations like that outside the San Francisco Bay Area, too.

June 23rd, 2008, 01:24 AM
Projects like these already exist


And people are entitled to opinions if an OS sucks or not. In fact a good argument is that all OS's suck. Some suck less than others. Which one? Depends. :) If the only thing important about Windows is that applications are written for it, then it will become less relevant as apps get ported or run under Wine... Fine with me frankly... So people are stuck. What happens when the playing field is level with more high quality cross platform applications? And the OS's have to compete on quality, cost, merit etc. Making an OS popular should be on that. Not just using what you are used to as a kid. In fact I don't even think that's valid, although I still use DOS and the c64 via emulators (for fun and nostalgia...) <edit> A lot of people using Windows now likely grew up with Apple, Amiga, DOS or something else too... I mean I used Windows 3.0, 3.1, 95, 98, XP too. But I got sick of it honestly... Not to mention some grew up without computers at all... I just don't believe you;ll have someone for life. People can make choices and change their minds.

Also, it is worth noting Apple survived as MS bailed them out.

I personally think it was to say, "hey look, there is a competitor in the OS space". As of now, I think Apple is doing well thanks to it's style (double meaning here, sort of the full package thing, and "pretty") not to mention things like the ipod and iphone.
Using open source and Free software for their OS was also a smart move IMHO.

June 23rd, 2008, 01:41 AM
Thanks for those links it is good to see that others are already doing this. If every Linux user does their part then there will be a lot more Linux users in the next generation, and so on and so on.
Just be sure to be involved and do your part in passing on your old computers. Our company is small – we only have 20 computers – but next year we are planning on revamping half of those computers. I think our elementary school could use them – with Ubuntu of course. :)

June 23rd, 2008, 01:49 AM
Very cool! You might want this instead though.
"Linux for Young Human Beings" :KS

June 23rd, 2008, 01:52 AM
Very cool! You might want this instead though.
"Linux for Young Human Beings" :KS

Yes - of course, I mean edubuntu :)

June 23rd, 2008, 03:32 AM
Most places that I've seen would just remove linux, and put windows on it.