View Full Version : seeking help with adding a radio station to Rhythmbox

June 21st, 2008, 11:34 PM

Hoping to find a person who can tell me if it would be possible to add the stream from this station to Rhythmbox:
if it is possible, where do I go to learn how to add it in? I have tried using that link , and it wont work.

Is there a link protocol that must be used and if so where would i find this particular stations correct url to be used?


SE Kentucky:KS

June 23rd, 2008, 03:03 AM
I tried to get Rhythmbox to stream your station, but I didn't have any luck either. I'm not positive, but it seems as if they are streaming in Flash. If so, I don't know if Rhythmbox can handle the Flash format. Firefox had no problem playing the station, but I'm not entirely sure which plugin was handling the stream. The station's FAQ recommended mplayer for Linux users.

Can you identify the format of their stream?

May 27th, 2009, 02:07 AM
You might try importing the playstream that certain internet radio stations give. E.g., for Soma FM, if you click on one of their radio feeds, you'll receive a prompt for a *.pls file. If you save it, and then import it into RhythmBox, you'll then see a list of radio station entries. Looking at the properties reveal entries like:

