View Full Version : Can I pass a PDO object? in PHP?

June 18th, 2008, 08:13 PM
I made a class that works like my connection script. I would like to have a "getPDO" method in the class that returns the PDO object. (well I did do that) and I to use use that object with ->execute() but says it can't find that method... for instance I did something like this

include 'connect2DB.php';
$conn = new connect2DB();
$thePDO = $conn->getPDO();
$thePDO->prepare('SELECT * FROM ?);

it knows about the prepare method apparently but I would like to use the execute method. In the connect2DB class.. this is how I return the PDO object.

function __construct()
// Creates a connection to the database
//$connection = new PDO($info,$user,$pass);
$this->connection = new PDO($this->dsn, $this->user,$this->pass);
} catch (PDOException $e)
echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage();

/* This function returns the PDO so other classes
* can use it.
public function getPDO()
return $this->connection;

I have all the correct connection information set up...

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

The Net duck

June 18th, 2008, 08:19 PM
LOl Ok I think I know now..
I was tryin to "execute" the PDO... .but you need to execute a PDO Statment not the object :) ...