View Full Version : [ubuntu] Need help installing java components

St Stephen
June 14th, 2008, 01:48 AM
Im trying to install anyremote, and for that i need Java WTK. when i try to install the bin file, i eventually get this:

No suitable Java interpreter was detected

0) Specify a path to a Java interpreter directory.
1) Cancel this installation.

Ive tried pointing it to gij and then installing, but i eventuall get this:

Extracting the installation files...
./sun_java_wireless_toolkit-2_5_2-linux.bin: 466: /usr/bin/jar: not found
Failed to extract files. Installation will stop now.

is there a way to use gij for this or do i have to install Java SDK? and if so where should i install the j2sdk bin file?


June 14th, 2008, 02:59 AM
Install Java from Applications, Add/Remove; or System, Administration, Synaptic Package Manager.

St Stephen
June 14th, 2008, 03:14 AM
aright i installed java-gj-compat and it looked like it worked--
On to bigger and harder problems!

August 1st, 2010, 04:02 AM
A easy tutorial for installing netbeans with mobility in ubuntu ):P


June 29th, 2011, 05:45 AM
To install Java 1.3 for Tivoli and Tivoli Java Client Framework 4.1.1 from the Tivoli desktop, perform the following steps from any Tivoli desktop:

From the Desktop menu, select Install → Install Product to display the Install Product window. http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v3r1/topic/com.ibm.tivoli.frmwrk.doc/jrecomps.gif
If the Select Product to Install list is empty or does not contain Java 1.3 for Tivoli and Tivoli Java Client Framework 4.1.1, continue with step 3 If the Java components are listed, skip to step 7
Click Select Media to display the File Browser window. Use this window to specify the path to the installation image for the Java components. http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v3r1/topic/com.ibm.tivoli.frmwrk.doc/jrepath.gif
In the Hosts list, select the host on which the installation image is mounted.
Navigate to the directory that contains the installation image. The installation directory contains the product index (.IND) file. Double-click directory names in the Directories list until the installation images are shown in the Files list.
Alternatively, if you know the path to the installation image, type the full path in the Path Name field. Click Set Path to list the contents of the specified directory.
Click Set Media & Close to save the path and return to the Install Product window. The window now lists Java 1.3 for Tivoli and Tivoli Java Client Framework 4.1.1, which indicates that they are available for installation.
In the Select Product to Install list, select Java 1.3 for Tivoli.
Use the arrow buttons to select the machines on which to install this product. Move the clients from one list (Available Clients or Clients to Install On) to the other by selecting the client name and clicking the left- or right-arrow button. Java 1.3 for Tivoli is installed on the clients in the Clients to Install On list.
Click Install to install Java 1.3 for Tivoli. The installation process displays a Product Install window similar to the following.

This window lists the operations that will occur during the installation and any problems that you might want to correct before continuing the installation. If you want to correct any problems, click Cancel.
Click Continue Install to perform the installation. The Product Install window displays status information as the installation proceeds. When the installation is complete, the Product Install window displays a completion message and the Cancel button becomes the Close button.
Click Close to close the status window and return to the Product Install window.
In the Select Product to Install list, select Tivoli Java Client Framework 4.1.1.
Use the arrow buttons to select the Tivoli server or managed nodes on which to install this product. Move the clients from one list (Available Clients or Clients to Install On) to the other by selecting the client name and clicking the left- or right-arrow button. Tivoli Java Client Framework 4.1.1 is installed on the clients in the Clients to Install On list.
Click Install & Close to install Tivoli Java Client Framework 4.1.1 and close the Install Product window. The installation process displays a Product Install window, which lists the operations that will occur during the installation and any problems that you might want to correct before continuing the installation. If you want to correct any problems, click Cancel.
Click Continue Install to perform the installation. The Product Install window displays status information as the installation process proceeds. When the installation is complete, the Product Install window displays a completion message and the Cancel button becomes the Close button.
Click Close to close the Product Install window.

Java 1.3 for Tivoli and Tivoli Java Client Framework 4.1.1 are installed. You can now install the Tivoli Software Installation Service depot or client