View Full Version : Butterworth Filters

May 22nd, 2008, 09:49 PM
Hi all,

I'm trying to use C++ for determining the coefficients of Butterworth Polynmials for a low pass filter. I seem to be running into a dead end. I'm researching for an analytical expressions. I've dug through wikipedia but what was listed was verbose and confusing.

Has anyone here done any work with Butterworth Filters?

May 27th, 2008, 03:35 AM
The poles of a Butterworth filter are all on a circle (and they are symmetric about the real axis, because you probably want a real filter); alternatively, the denomiator is related to a cyclotomic polynomial. The modulus squared of the transfer function (|H(s)|^2) has a cyclotomic polynomial as a denomiator.

The zeros are all at infinity (i.e. it doesn't really have any).

I don't see how the Wikipedia article isn't useful. It tells you exactly how to calcuate the transfer function.

The way these things are usually built is with pieces with less than 4 poles each. Deciding how to break it up into the pieces is somewhat dependent on the application.