View Full Version : [gnome] Send copies to mail

May 21st, 2008, 03:50 PM
Hi! I'm doing an important homework at my Ubuntu 7.04 (with Gnome) and I want know how I can send a copy of my work to my mail every time I want. Thanks.
I was trying the mail_file script of nautilus but it doesn't work and I think the easiest will be a script.:lolflag:

April 3rd, 2009, 09:20 PM
I figured out how to do this:

I wrote teh following script. Modified from a nautilus script example to convert to jpeg. Basically replaced everything in the while loop with what you (and I) wanted instead.

# By: Youresorock


while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
7z a -mx=9 "/tmp/$1".7z "$1"
/usr/bin/mutt -a "/tmp/$1".7z -s "$1: `date +"%Y.%m.%d"`" $EMAIL < /dev/null
rm /tmp/"$1".7z

Step 1: max compression 7z the file/folder you give
Step 2: send via mutt (you must have mutt installed obviously)
Step 3: Profit!

You put this script in your ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts folder and set it executable. (chmod +x filename)

I called mine "send2me" You don't need the usual .sh for a shell script.

You just right-click the file/folder, and do "Scripts-->send2me" and it's sent. Shows up in my gmail right away. nice.

:D Linux rocks.