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May 21st, 2008, 07:29 AM
I am an aspiring web/graphic designer and i was wondering if you guys knew any good free ad-free hosts for me to toy with and practice, I would just do it on my computer but i want to be able to get comments and criticism on my designs doesn't need to have a large capacity but no-ads

May 21st, 2008, 07:40 AM
awardspace.com doesn't have ads.
It has PHP and MySQL but like a 500kb filesize limit.

fgr.awardspace.com for a rough look at a project I was doing
master5o1.awardspace.com for my brothers site

I only post them to show it doesn't have forced ads or any content placed forceably.

disadvantages include:
It's slow
All 404's redirect - twice so hitting back results in going to the redirect again.
500kb filesize means that only the smallest images can get uploaded... You aren't going to be hosting flash content or anything.