May 19th, 2008, 05:05 PM
Hello Everyone
I am new to this forum but not new to Linux in general. I have been down the slippery slope of so-so distros. for almost 10 years. I still consider myself to be learning but like most I learn on a need to know basis.
After Using Ubuntu for about 2 years I am proud to say I have finally became MS free!
The current support system and the almost automatic updates have kept me grounded with Ubuntu. The fact that Ubuntu has became so user friendly has made it possible for my wife to use comfortably. Bringing my wife over to Linux has spared me all the associated nightmares of MS.
I just this past week installed Ubuntu on my Sister's laptop as a Dual-Boot and she Loves it! It will be some time before she reaches the comfort level to be MS free but considering how horrible the View is aka, you know..... She is motivated.
If there is anything I can do here in this Tennessee group please let me know.
Just a quick note on installing dual-boot on my Sister's laptop
Normal install got to the point of configuring unused space and failed. I was able to boot into the CD Live desktop and use Gparted to get around the issue. I think it has to do with the way that Vista configures the hard drive on install. It works! that was my objective!
Thanks to all!!!!!!
I am new to this forum but not new to Linux in general. I have been down the slippery slope of so-so distros. for almost 10 years. I still consider myself to be learning but like most I learn on a need to know basis.
After Using Ubuntu for about 2 years I am proud to say I have finally became MS free!
The current support system and the almost automatic updates have kept me grounded with Ubuntu. The fact that Ubuntu has became so user friendly has made it possible for my wife to use comfortably. Bringing my wife over to Linux has spared me all the associated nightmares of MS.
I just this past week installed Ubuntu on my Sister's laptop as a Dual-Boot and she Loves it! It will be some time before she reaches the comfort level to be MS free but considering how horrible the View is aka, you know..... She is motivated.
If there is anything I can do here in this Tennessee group please let me know.
Just a quick note on installing dual-boot on my Sister's laptop
Normal install got to the point of configuring unused space and failed. I was able to boot into the CD Live desktop and use Gparted to get around the issue. I think it has to do with the way that Vista configures the hard drive on install. It works! that was my objective!
Thanks to all!!!!!!