View Full Version : Knowit?

December 13th, 2004, 11:34 AM
Hi all,

I'm interested in changing from my existing KDE based distro which works very well, to Ubuntu. One of my more important queries is whether I can apt-get install knowit (I don't mind it there are 100 dependencies attached, it's just important that I get it).
I've never successfully installed anything from with the prescribed ./configure, make, make install route, so I'd love it to work from synaptic or apt-get.
Does anyone know?



December 14th, 2004, 12:31 AM
I've checked a few lists or packages. I've seen ones called warty universe, and hoary universe, which I understand is where one might look for KDE packages, but I find very few there. It's Knowit I'm particularly interested in, or another knowit-type programme.

It's a very useful program (for those who don't know it!).
If anyone with a working, preferably warty ubuntu could type "apt-get install knowit" into their terminal, and post whether it complains of no known package, or what, I'd be most grateful.
You never know, you might end up loving the thing if you get it.

Or, an alternate question: is there a knowit type programme for gnome? Knowit is quite good because it allows for rtf formatting, linking with web addresses and other files, and html export. If there's another program that does these same things, I'd be glad to know of it.

Thanking you all.


December 14th, 2004, 10:43 AM
Do you run Warty or Hoary?

Never used Knowit so please bare with. :) How about this:

or this:

or this:

If you cannot find Knowit in Ubuntu repositories, you may want to download the package from Knowit homepage:

December 14th, 2004, 05:36 PM
Thanks very much P!=F (good name!).
Actually, I'm not using Ubuntu yet. I've test driven the Warty liveCD, and can see how it would make a good basis for putting together what I need.

That notemeister looks pretty, and seems to offer similar functionality. I'd use that. Unfortunately, it be a mess trying to export my notes (many) from knowit into that, since it only appears to import in plain text, or in its own format.
Maybe if it imported html....

Anyway, thanks for your help.

The principal question is whether knowit is in an ubuntu repository.

Thanks again,

Declan (who's brother is coming back from Prague to Dublin this very day!)

December 15th, 2004, 09:51 AM
Hi all,

I'm interested in changing from my existing KDE based distro which works very well, to Ubuntu. One of my more important queries is whether I can apt-get install knowit (I don't mind it there are 100 dependencies attached, it's just important that I get it).
I've never successfully installed anything from with the prescribed ./configure, make, make install route, so I'd love it to work from synaptic or apt-get.
Does anyone know?


There seems to be a debian package available at:

No idea how it works on Warty, but a good guess is it will. May need some KDE libs though...


December 16th, 2004, 07:08 AM
The principal question is whether knowit is in an ubuntu repository.
No, I do not believe it is. I have all the repositories in my sources.list and "apt-get install knowit" gives me a 'not found ' message.

You can look for yourself by going to http://archive/ubuntu.com (http://archive/ubuntu.com)
and browsing through the pool.


May 15th, 2007, 04:27 PM
I've checked a few lists or packages. I've seen ones called warty universe, and hoary universe, which I understand is where one might look for KDE packages, but I find very few there. It's Knowit I'm particularly interested in, or another knowit-type programme.

It's a very useful program (for those who don't know it!).
If anyone with a working, preferably warty ubuntu could type "apt-get install knowit" into their terminal, and post whether it complains of no known package, or what, I'd be most grateful.
You never know, you might end up loving the thing if you get it.

Or, an alternate question: is there a knowit type programme for gnome? Knowit is quite good because it allows for rtf formatting, linking with web addresses and other files, and html export. If there's another program that does these same things, I'd be glad to know of it.

Thanking you all.


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