View Full Version : من اجل توحيد الجهود
May 1st, 2008, 12:57 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
لماذا يوجد منتدى لمصر واخر للسعوديه و ايضا تونس و السودان لماذ لا يتم توحيد الجهود
ويكون هناك منتدى واحد للعرب حيث يتكلمون لغه واحده و السلام
May 1st, 2008, 09:01 AM
Because each country has to be separate..Lebanon is Lebanon,Tunis is Tunis and Sudan is Sudan..etc..if we all speak arabic as a native language doesn't mean we are the same country..every country should be alone ^_^
May 4th, 2008, 11:16 PM
kadrus your right localization mean this LOCO mean this each location has it is own team read steady for any interference on site even if it is needed face to face .
May 29th, 2008, 07:12 AM
الفكره ايجاد منتدى واحد باللغه العربيه مع الابقاء على المتديات المحليه الخاصه بكل دوله
May 29th, 2008, 08:04 AM
لتنشيط العمليه , قمت بانشاء فريق على اللنش باد و بادرت بتقديم طلب للحصول على منتدى و قائمه بريديه و موقع
للإشتراك في الفريق
May 30th, 2008, 10:19 AM
what is your opinion guys i already submitted my opinion before .
May 30th, 2008, 01:58 PM
I don't know, i prefer each country we speak arabic..doesn't mean we're the same..we have our own traditions,our own pace of life..we're different..well that's my i hate writing in arabic on my takes forever:p..
May 30th, 2008, 06:42 PM
I don't know, i prefer each country we speak arabic..doesn't mean we're the same..we have our own traditions,our own pace of life..we're different..well that's my i hate writing in arabic on my takes forever..
have you tried ?
May 30th, 2008, 06:48 PM
kadrus is totally right.
if you want to make an arabic group it's ok.
but just kadrus said, i prefer each country apart. for that there's special launchpads team and locos.
if we become one group, that means all latins will coe one group, and all chinese one group.....
May 30th, 2008, 09:58 PM
We are not suggesting to merge and/or close the LoCo teams but to establish a wider team that take care of Arabic language in the community starting from Wiki help ending with a single Arabic support forum and this does not mean that others cannot provide this help but the Ubuntu-Arabic Team will be the official one.
This is good because the interested parties and/or members can work under single umbrella to achieve the goal instead of working separately in LoCo Teams, also this means to ease things down on many LoCo teams and give them the opportunity to focus on their Local activities.
May 31st, 2008, 12:29 AM
guys a personal opinion we are Lebanese and we speak Lebanese language not Arabic , this why i have to translate the Arabic you wrote on the forum really cause i did not understand the words in arabic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 31st, 2008, 02:29 PM
plus we speak English and French too..and yes we do speak "Lebanese"..we have our own dialect ^_^..Leb Slang:p..
@monoda..yes I have tried it before but dont use it cause it cant translate what i want to say
June 2nd, 2008, 09:35 AM
, قمت بوضع الموضوع على اجنده لنقاش لاجتماع مجلس مجتمع اوبونتو القادم
الرجاء ممن يجد بنفسه القدره التواجد وقت الاجتماع كما هو وفصل بصفحه الويكي
بالنسبه للقائمه البريديه, قمت بانشاء قائمه بريديه مؤقته لغايه الحصول
على واحده رسميه من اوبونتو لحصر النقاش في مكان واحد
الرجاء الاشتراك بالقائمه البريديه المؤقته
June 2nd, 2008, 01:02 PM
0 members in the google group.
June 2nd, 2008, 05:30 PM
We don't want to merge with any group else. we're Lebanese , which makes us unique.thank you all
June 2nd, 2008, 07:36 PM
guys a personal opinion we are Lebanese and we speak Lebanese language not Arabic , this why i have to translate the Arabic you wrote on the forum really cause i did not understand the words in arabic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry to say that but magaltavor,kadrus and bouta are TOTALLY right
June 3rd, 2008, 07:55 AM
I do agree with you and I do apologize for the emails and posts regarding this issue.
We do not want to merge with any team and we do not want to take off any team from the list.
What we want is to establish Arabic Team for Ubuntu and we are posting to your mailing list and forum just in case if someone interested to join us apart from his activities in Lebanese team :-)
July 2nd, 2008, 10:13 PM
guys a personal opinion we are Lebanese and we speak Lebanese language not Arabic , this why i have to translate the Arabic you wrote on the forum really cause i did not understand the words in arabic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is funny I thought the Official Lebanese Language is Arabic, or so says our constitution.
Damn lying constitution.
Also I disagree let every location has its forum, it would be much easier to manage. I mean I'm a proud Arab Lebanese, but still.
Islam Peace
November 29th, 2008, 01:18 PM
Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings
A good idea by ...
December 29th, 2008, 08:21 AM
This might actually be a really good idea. I agree with you guys, we're lebanese and all, but the idea is about "tawhid al jouhoud" (don't have arabic layout on my keyboard...), which means we should unite our efforts to create an arabic-oriented Ubuntu, instead of each country developing its own.
January 2nd, 2009, 04:01 PM
okay me too dont have an arabic layout i use for that jad can we manage that with english or french language and to be contributor in the arabic comunity cause in the end we are all in the same region thats is a suggestion :)
April 25th, 2009, 08:18 PM
so where we are?, i find it a very good idea.
and to prevent misunderstanding i'm speaking about make an Arabic sub-forum and keep the loco forums, after all the Arabic country is in the same geographique region and used to be one country and speack the same Arabic language that we have been teatched in school (the lebanese-arabic doesnt exist !!), i'm happy that this fact annoy some peopel. sure each country have a culture (wich is relative thing) but i dont see why this will prevent use from having an aditionnal arabic forum(if it possible).
الزاهر القلموني
April 29th, 2009, 04:56 AM
إن فاكت هافيغ آن أربيك سب ...
العفو :)
in fact having an Arabic sub-forum would be great. but having an Arabic MEGA-forum would be better ( I think !!) where all LoCo teams (العربية منها أقصد) are inside.
writing Arabic or English (inside this MEGA-forum) is up to you then, whether you are Lebanese or Egyptian.
لكن استخدام العرنغليزية (العربية بالأحرف الإنغليزية) سيكون محظور وجريمة يعاقب عليها القانون "لو" كان الأمر بيدي :)ـ
April 29th, 2009, 06:15 AM
will said zaher!!
و لكن المشكلة هنا فبعض الناس و إستطاعو أن يسلخو جلدهق العربي لما تأخرو
فهم يحاولون طمس حقيقة كونهم عرب
الزاهر القلموني
April 29th, 2009, 11:51 AM
والله يا أخي الأمر في لبنان ... وبالمناسبة أنا من لبنان ... أعقد من ذلك
فالتعليم ليس بالعربية بالمجمل عندنا ... والعربية تعلم كمادة دراسية مثلها مثل غيرها ... وكل منطقة لها لهجة تقرب أحيانا من العربية الصحيحة وأحيانا تبتعد كثيرا عنها
فإذا لم يكن هناك ما يعوض هذا الأمر فسينشأ الجيل جاهلا بلغته بالكاد هو قادر على التكلم بها بشكل صحيح
ويلاحظ في لبنان تمكن المسلمين بشكل عام منها بشكل أفضل لما للإسلام من ارتباط بالعربية بشكل مباشر
أما بقية الطوائف فارتباطها بشكل أو بآخر بأوروبا له أثر كبير ومؤثر على اكتساب العربية الصحيحة
ومن نحن حتى نفرض على الناس ما يفعلون! ... لكن لا بد من التوفيق بين الأمرين:
في ملتقى أهله عرب ... حيث لا حاجة لغير العربية ... نستخدم العربية (لمن يرغب)... وحيث الحاجة للأجنبية لا نستخدم العربية .... فلكل مقام مقال
تخيل أن يخاطبني شخص وموضوع كلامه "تسطيب سواقة الماسحة الضوئية" ... كنت انتحرت !!! ... وقلت له بلهجتنا ... لو تروح تأيبلك عشي عكويش تتخبى فيه ما كان أحسن !!! :)ـ (ترجمة:لو لم تتفصح لكان أفضل لنا)ـ
طيب ... هل من مؤيد لفكرة المنتدى العربي المتضمن لمنتديات فرق الدول العربية ؟
That is a MEGA-forum
will said zaher!!
و لكن المشكلة هنا فبعض الناس و إستطاعو أن يسلخو جلدهق العربي لما تأخرو
فهم يحاولون طمس حقيقة كونهم عرب
April 30th, 2009, 07:44 AM
guys i agreed with jad on the issue to group all arabic LOCO together but u can not force people to right what we like , it is up to them arab-eng language ubuntu linux it is freedom and everybody has the right to write in freedom in any lnaguage we urge to get away from an dicromination issue or racisim .
February 18th, 2012, 05:27 PM
Hello everybody
Illo yhell 3ana w2iza fehim hal jemle ana badde ehke 3arabe
Nehna lebneniye ya habibe mnehke lebnene mish 3arab wiza el browser taba3ak mish 3ala moodo yo2ra latin bikoun azbat
I recommend the Lebanon Loco team to start working on an application that I suggest we call Haram
It should count wine cups we drink per day
:) i missed you guys
yalla a bientot
see you soon
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