View Full Version : [gnome] Remember Window Positions

April 29th, 2008, 04:42 PM
My question is basically the one asked here:

Possible to get Gnome (Compiz?) to remember window position/size?

but the answers I see are either devilspie or sawfish, both of which seem to use scripting or text files.

Is there no tool that will just allow me to set the windows as I want and it will simply remember that? Seems fairly simple....

April 29th, 2008, 05:50 PM
Unfortunately not. The author of Gnome decided that it was not the job of the window manager to determine where windows would pop up. From the research that I've done, devilspie seems to be the best and easiest way to go.

BTW, KDE does have that functionality built in.

May 29th, 2008, 03:59 PM
The author of Gnome decided that it was not the job of the window manager to determine where windows would pop up.

really??! that's pretty lame. You'd think such a simple feature would be included. I hate having to always re-position my windows once I start an application. It should remember where you last had it set too.
is there another way?

June 12th, 2008, 01:42 AM
i was wondering this same thing, and found devilspie to be exactly what i wanted. grab devilspie and gdevils pie (gdevils pie you can get from google code) and espectially with gdevils pie its easy to setup and use, qute painless!

April 5th, 2009, 12:03 AM
Almost there. Only thing being: I dont want to tell the windows where to go - I want "them/the WM/ the DE / whoever" to remember where I put them.

Still fiddling with this - I remember googleing for it since gnome 2... *sigh*

*necropost* sry