View Full Version : Program level Ubuntu marketing.

October 11th, 2005, 10:35 PM
There is a lot of work being done with Ubuntu and many new exciting new projects being launched. I would like to point out what I call program level marketing. It does not send flowers or commercials but rather is based on something similar to what the gamming industry has done for years.

The basis of program level marketing would research what OS the project could replace for exabple win 98, and what the lower end hardware spects that it will run on loosed basely on 98 specs. The most important part would be that it would be easy for a 98 user to migrate to the new project and at min achieve 100% 98 fuctionality. I would recomend trying to exceed 100% fuctionality by a wide margin offering. For example fully fuctional KDE type theme manager, easy intstall and configuration, possibly some dock apps that are low on resources. This is just an example of a possible project.

Program level marketing in affect targets an exzisting OS and harware and the bottom line offers a better solution than what the potential user currently has.

This project may have a wide scope and may result in new window managers designed around specific harware and functionality requirement.

For example I just rebuild an old p2-350 that has win 98 on it my plan is to load linux as its sole operating system, I will probably try xubuntu when its ready but this program level marketing may apply to Xubuntu.

Blunt to the point its to target win 98 and 98 eara hardware and offer a much better solution.

October 11th, 2005, 10:53 PM
I just rebuilt a number of older computers and put Ubuntu on all of them. They all seem to function fine--better than they did with 98 or XP. How would you suggest going about targeting and marketing to these people? I would love to help contribute to a team in spreading Ubuntu, whether on older or newer machines.