View Full Version : Using awk to get hostname from ip

April 3rd, 2008, 09:12 AM
Hi guys.

This is my second post in this great forum. I'm not an advanced linux user but I'm trying to resolve all the problems for myself.

I'm in a situation that I can't do more.. well.. there we go. I'm using Ubuntu 7.10 i386 Server edition because I want to use Hylafax as my fax server. All works fine but there are no reports about hylafax facsimiles, just a log file, the xferfaxlog file located in /var/spool/hylafax/log directory.

This is a xferfaxlog file:

03/30/08 03:09 SEND 000000007 ttyS0 1 "" anonymous@localhost "935872980" "" 2211880 0 0:09 0:00 "No local dialtone" "" "" "" "anonymous" "00 00 00"
03/30/08 03:14 SEND 000000008 ttyS0 1 "" anonymous@localhost "935872980" "" 2211880 0 1:06 0:00 "Unknown problem" "" "" "" "anonymous" "00 00 00"
03/30/08 03:35 SEND 000000009 ttyS0 4 "" anonymous@localhost "0935872980" "935872980" 3407912 0 0:18 0:04 "" "" "" "" "anonymous" "00 00 00"
03/30/08 03:38 SEND 000000010 ttyS0 5 "" cba@ "0935872980" "935872980" 3416105 1 0:57 0:42 "" "" "" "" "cba" "00 00 00"

I use this simple awk script to generate an html file from this log file:

FS = "\t"
print "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\""
print "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">"
print "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">"
print "<head><title>Informe</title>"
print "<style type=\"text/css\">"
print "table td { text-align: center; }"
print "</style>"
print "</head>"
print "<body>"
print "<br> </br>"
print "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\">"
print "<tr>"
print "<td> <b>Fecha y Hora<!-- 1 --></b></td>"
print "<td> <b>Tipo <!-- 2 --></b</td>"
print "<td> <b>Job ID <!-- 5 --></b</td>"
print "<td> <b>Remitente/Fax <!-- 7 --></b</td>"
print "<td> <b>Destino/Local <!-- 8 --></b</td>"
print "<td> <b>Paginas <!-- 11 --></b</td>"
print "<td> <b>Error <!-- 14 --></b</td>"
print "</tr>"

{ print "<tr><td>" $1 "</td>", "<td>" $2 "</td>", "<td>" $5 "</td>", "<td>" $7 "</td>", "<td>" $8 "</td>", "<td>" $11 "</td>", "<td>" $14 "</td></tr>" }

END { print "</table></body></html>" }

.. and the html file was generated (attached file)
I'm using this script to get it work in the easier way (for me :):

awk -f /etc/init.d/hylafaxlog/organiza.awt /var/spool/hylafax/log/xferfaxlog > /var/www/index.html

Well, now I want to convert the 4th column format in that way to show only the hostname, not the ip address. Ex: cba@ -> cba@hostname

Sorry for my english. I hope somebody can help me. Thanks for all!

April 3rd, 2008, 09:30 AM
Well, now I want to convert the 4th column format in that way to show only the hostname, not the ip address. Ex: cba@ -> cba@hostname

i suppose is the machine where you run your script?
you can use nslookup to find the hostname.
snippet, assume that_ip is already parsed from the respective field.

awk 'BEGIN {
cmd="nslookup " that_ip
while (( cmd | getline line) > 0 ) {
if ( line ~ /name =/ ) {
gsub(".*name = " , "",line)
print hostname

or if you have already defined the host file, you can use the "hostname" command instead

April 3rd, 2008, 09:42 AM
Hi and thanks for your support.

The script is on the fax server and there could be more than one IP. I want to modifty the awk script by adding some line to convert the $7 field and return the sender IP (this can be whatever IP on the lan).

I wish you got my idea.

OMG, this is the fastest forum on the web :))

April 3rd, 2008, 09:51 AM
Hi and thanks for your support.

The script is on the fax server and there could be more than one IP. I want to modifty the awk script by adding some line to convert the $7 field and return the sender IP (this can be whatever IP on the lan).

I wish you got my idea.

OMG, this is the fastest forum on the web :))

if you have more than one IP, store them in awk arrays.


April 3rd, 2008, 11:01 AM
Hi again.

Thanks for helping me. I was thinking that if I have the username without @ip is enought. Now, how can I remove @ip from this string "user@ip"? In the awk script this is $4.


April 3rd, 2008, 11:05 AM
Hi again.

Thanks for helping me. I was thinking that if I have the username without @ip is enought. Now, how can I remove @ip from this string "user@ip"? In the awk script this is $4.

some ways, using sub or gsub

gsub(/@.*/, "",$4)

or split


a[1] will be user