View Full Version : c++: exercuting a program with two files

April 2nd, 2008, 03:57 AM
Dear c++ guru:

In c++, normally we will call a function as shown below:

int funct ()

void main()

main will call the function "funct()" which is defined within the same file.

However, in my case, i wish to have the "funct()" on the other file while the "main()" is in a file as shown below:

filename: File1.C

void main()
funct(); //funct() from File2.C

filename: File2.C

int funct()

Is that possible? How can I achieve that?


Best regards,
Mei Ying

April 2nd, 2008, 04:04 AM
filename: File1.C

void main()
funct(); //funct() from File2.C

filename: File2.C

int funct()

g++ File1.c File2.c

You will want to put the declarations in a header file and include that in both files as well.

April 2nd, 2008, 04:20 AM
Thanks, LaRoza

April 2nd, 2008, 06:42 AM
When programming in C++, never start thinking in terms of the header file and the implementation file. Just think of the header file. This is where your class definition(s) should reside. Without this, your implementation file is "incomplete".

Many people think that they have the "solution" to a problem before they even design the proper s/w for the problem.

Start with the header file, then a skeleton .cpp (or .C) file. Both should compile before even one line of implementation code is added to satisfy the design.

P.S. When implementing methods/functions that return values, return the "false/negative" values expected.

P.S.S. Some believe in "Code a little; test a little." YMMV.

April 2nd, 2008, 07:25 AM
Code a little; test a little.

A better rule: "Code a little; test a LOT." :)