View Full Version : Could I have a bash script open multiple files when I click on one?

March 9th, 2008, 07:17 PM
Hello all.

I just learned about feh, and I think it's a great image viewer. I am hoping to be able to incorporate feh into my desktop. Feh does have the ability to browse through images. If I select feh as my default viewer in Gnome, click on the image, it opens images be in a single viewmode - I am unable to browse to images in the same directory.. So I wrote a bash script,

feh *.png

pointed Gnome to it, to noavail. I know this is pretty basic but I don't have a clue on what I need to have this work. Can anyone think of a way I can browse with feh?

March 9th, 2008, 08:02 PM
Quick solution in python:

import os

files = os.listdir("path here")
for x in files:
os.system("feh " + x)

I think thats what you want it to do? Open multiple instances of feh with all the images in a specific directory?

March 9th, 2008, 10:35 PM
No, actually this would be just one instance. Feh allows browsing by right and left arrows if multiple images are opened:

feh desktop#1.png desktop#2.png
feh *.png

If only one image is picked then browsing is not available. So I'm looking for a script that feh will be aware of other image files in the directory when double-clicking on say desktop#1.png.

March 9th, 2008, 11:34 PM
I got into a bit of an issue when trying to solve this. When you call a program from nautilus it doesn't give you back its full path which i was going to use to scan for more images. Any ideas?

March 9th, 2008, 11:50 PM
Here's an untested workup in Ruby:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

files = Dir.entries(File.split(ARGV[0])[0])
`feh #{files[2..-1].join ' '}`

March 10th, 2008, 02:44 AM
Ah awesome! I'm looking for to trying this when I get a chance later tonight.

March 10th, 2008, 03:29 AM
The ruby one doesn't work for me : \

March 10th, 2008, 05:04 AM
It appears that Nautilus passes the interesting information via environment variables, not commant line arguments. Here's a test script that displays the environment and arguments given to it:

zenity --info --title=Environment --text="$(env)"
zenity --info --title="Command Line Arguments" --text="$*"This code works for me:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# Get the currently-selected files as an array
files = ENV['NAUTILUS_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS'].to_s.chomp.split "\n"

if files.length >= 1
# One or more files must be selected
`feh #{files.join ' '}`
# no files are selected
`feh #{ENV['NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_CURRENT_URI'].gsub(/^[^:]+:\/\/(.*)/, '\1')}`
endThis will call feh with the selected files. If no files are selected, it will call feh with the selected directory.

March 10th, 2008, 05:55 AM
Appreciate the coding guys - cool stuff. I just put ruby on my pc, so I hope I did it right. :) I chmodded the script, and put it in /usr/bin and in the "Open With" dialog choose it. I double click it and got a spike in the cpu but thats all. I ran the script from the command line and got this but I probably not helpful:

./usr/bin/feh-browser:4: private method `chomp' called for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

March 10th, 2008, 06:48 AM
I ran the script from the command line and got this but I probably not helpful
Actually, you did just the right thing. Running from the command line lets you see errors, and posting errors allows people to debug them. (Command line note: Because Nautilus sets environment variables, you'll need to manually set them in order to test the script from the command line.

I edited my post above to fix precisely that error. Probably you missed my edit. (By the way, you can write this in any language. I used Ruby because it's my personal favorite.

One other thing: Nautilus scripts belong in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts, not /usr/bin.

March 10th, 2008, 06:52 AM
how about checking out the feh documentation and see if there are any options that enable you to view many files? -r option perhaps?

feh -r /dir_of_photos

March 10th, 2008, 07:12 AM
how about checking out the feh documentation and see if there are any options that enable you to view many files? -r option perhaps?

feh -r /dir_of_photos

If you give feh a directory on the command line, then feh recursively cycles through all images by default.

March 10th, 2008, 07:21 AM
If you give feh a directory on the command line, then feh recursively cycles through all images by default.

yes, i know... its just that if this can be done, then maybe OP can try experimenting with the various options. sometimes, it makes things easier...furthermore, one way , if not the best way, is OP could have just copy all .png files into one directory and view all *.png from there .. using that syntax..

March 10th, 2008, 10:08 AM
know, this is pretty clever. I have been going with the approach of creating a small program that would redirect gnome to select the directory rather than the file - possilby not possible. A nautilus scriptthough, works good. Alot people I talk to really like programming with rails saying it's one of the more visceral languages out there.

Appreciate the help msserver, this will make using my desktop alot better!


March 10th, 2008, 04:17 PM
Alot people I talk to really like programming with rails saying it's one of the more visceral languages out there.
Note that the code I wrote is pure Ruby, not Rails. I've actually never successfully used Rails, but I like Ruby.