View Full Version : preferred text editor firefox extension

March 1st, 2008, 09:54 AM
I just came across a Firefox extension called It's All Text! (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4125) that allows you to edit the text in text boxes in the browser with your preferred text editor (Vim, Emacs, etc.). I find it useful for sites where I need to enter a good amount of text (Gmail, forums, etc.). I have been using it to edit Wikipedia articles using Vim and it works well.

(As an aside, there is also a Wikipedia.vim syntax file for MediaWiki highlighting. It can be found here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_editor_support).)

I just thought someone here might find it useful.


March 23rd, 2008, 06:59 AM
Unfortunately, the add-on is not yet compatible with Firefox 3.0b4 that is included with the current Hardy Beta release.

March 27th, 2008, 03:43 AM
The last post is no longer relevant. The add-on was updated today.

October 13th, 2008, 10:58 AM

I agree on the usefullness of this precious piece of software, but unfortunately I have not been able to make it run under ubuntu 8.04 and firefgox 3.0.3. I have used it under windows XP for several months but failed to make it run after I switched over to ubuntu 8.04. Are there any tricks I should know about?

Regards, pepebe

October 13th, 2008, 01:08 PM
I just use Vimperator. CTRL+I over a text-entry box launches GVim :)

October 14th, 2008, 08:04 AM
@mrgnash Thanks for your advice. I installed vimperator and it seems to be a very versatile tool. Yet, I have to admit that its not my cup of tea. I'm dedicated to komodo edit and even though vim seems to be a very powerful software, I can't afford to switch over and start with a new editor.

For everyone interested in vimperator I recommend to have a look at the help pages. Just type :help on your keyboard. ":" will open the konsole and help will call the vimperator help page. Vimperator works with a huge load of keyboard commands and I have the idea that an adept user wont have to use his mouse very often. For example: If you want to visit a website just type :o www.google.com or :open www. google.com. Really neat and also very intuitive. Everyone with a hang on keyboard shortcuts should love it.

Back to my original question. I really need to make "It's all text" working for me. Am I the only one having trouble with it?

Regards, patrick