View Full Version : c segfault?

February 23rd, 2008, 06:00 PM
can anyone please tell me why I get a segfault error with the c source code below.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>

#define NUMBER 1000000000LL
//integer struct and functions
struct list_int {
//instance variable list
int * list;
//instance variable holding array size
int size;
int entries;

struct list_int * create_list_int(){

//initialize the list structure
struct list_int * the_list = malloc(sizeof(struct list_int));

//create the list and initialize content to zero
the_list->list = malloc(sizeof(int)*1);
the_list->list[0] = 0;

//marker holder array size information
the_list->size = 1;

//number of entries utilized
the_list->entries = 0;

return &the_list;

void add_num_int(const long long int addition, struct list_int * container){

container->list = realloc(container->list, sizeof(int)*((container->size)+1));

container->list[container->size] = (int) addition;



//Long integer struct and functions

struct list_long {
//instance variable list
long int * list;
//instance variable holding array size
int size;
int entries;

struct list_long * create_list_long(){

//initialize the list structure
struct list_long * the_list = malloc(sizeof(struct list_long));

//create the list and initialize content to zero
the_list->list = malloc(sizeof(long int)*1);
the_list->list[0] = 0;

//marker holder array size information
the_list->size = 1;

//number of entries utilized
the_list->entries = 0;

return &the_list;

void add_num_long(const long long int addition, struct list_long * container){

container->list = realloc(container->list, sizeof(long int)*((container->size)+1));

container->list[container->size] = (long int) addition;



//Long Long integer struct and functions

struct list_long_long {
//instance variable list
long long int * list;
//instance variable holding array size
int size;
int entries;

struct list_long_long * create_list_long_long(){

//initialize the list structure
struct list_long_long * the_list = malloc(sizeof(struct list_long_long));

//create the list and initialize content to zero
the_list->list = malloc(sizeof(long long int)*1);
the_list->list[0] = 0;

//marker holder array size information
the_list->size = 1;

//number of entries utilized
the_list->entries = 0;

return &the_list;

void add_num_long_long(const long long int addition, struct list_long_long * container){

container->list = realloc(container->list, sizeof(long long int)*((container->size)+1));

container->list[container->size] = addition;



int main(int argc, char * argv[]){

create the containers that will store the number 1:NUMBER
depending on size
unused arrays will be of length 1

struct list_int * integerList = create_list_int();
struct list_long * longList = create_list_long();
struct list_long_long * longLongList = create_list_long_long();

populate the arrays, starting from number 2

long long int counter = 0;
for(counter = 2; counter < NUMBER; counter++){
if (counter <= INT_MAX){
add_num_int(counter, integerList);
else if (counter > INT_MAX && counter <= LONG_MAX){
add_num_long(counter, longList);
else {
add_num_long_long(counter, longLongList);

//printf("%d", integerList->list[343435]);
return 0;


February 23rd, 2008, 06:14 PM
Just to start, replace all of yours return &the_list; to return the_list;
Pay more attention to your compiler warnings!

February 23rd, 2008, 06:16 PM
you are trying to return the adress of a pointer in your 3 allocation functions

just delete "&" in front of return

February 23rd, 2008, 06:59 PM

thanks guys.