View Full Version : C/C++ memory leak

January 23rd, 2008, 01:35 AM

I've got a beginner's question regarding a memory leak that I am experiencing.

I've got this code which creates it:

AGradient *ag;

while(k < 50) {
ag = agradient(tmpimage);
// [then do something with it...]

AGradient is my own data structure (struct) defined in my own little library.

My funktion "agradient" calculates stuff, then returns a pointer to that structure, just like defined above. The problem I had was this: when I compiled my library, it gave a warning that I was returning a local pointer address, which I could only resolve by making the return variable global, and then returning its address. I don't know if I am going to burn in seventh hell for doing this, but I couldn't find another way.

In any case, the above code creates a ramp in memory usage, so it is a memory leak. I just don't know how to fix it. I read about new and delete, but I am not sure how to implement it. If I do this:

AGradient *ag;
ag = new AGradient;

And try to delete it before jumping into the next iteration of the while loop, it gives me an error (invalid pointer) and dumps core.

I don't really know what I am doing here, as you probably can tell and would be very glad for any pointers. I have read several tutorials and webpages but fail to see how it relates to my problem.

Thanks for any help or pointers,


January 23rd, 2008, 03:09 AM
You didn't give enough code for me to figure out what you are doing wrong, but I can guess about the waring about a local pointer address. To allocate a pointer in a function call, you have to pass the pointer by reference. Here is some sample code:

struct AGradient{};

// pass the ptr by reference (*&)
void Allocate(AGradient *& ptrToAGradient){
ptrToAGradient = new AGradient;

int main(void){
AGradient *ptrToAGradient;
Allocate(ptrToAGradient); // allocate the pointer


delete ptrToAGradient; // delete the pointer

return 0;

January 23rd, 2008, 03:18 AM
Thanks, this really helped me out.


January 23rd, 2008, 12:02 PM
To allocate a pointer in a function call, you have to pass the pointer by reference.
Not entirely true. The function itself can allocate the memory and return the pointer to such without the use of a parameter. For example:

Foo * function()
Foo *f = new Foo;

// ...

return f;

int main()
Foo *allocF = function();


delete allocF;


January 23rd, 2008, 12:21 PM
I'd like to throw in that if this is C++, the allocation should be wrapped in an object that can destruct the newly allocated memory on its own. And if it's C, you should follow a "new / free" naming convention for the function, either "Foo *new_Foo() / free_Foo(Foo*)" or "new_Foo(Foo*) / free_Foo(Foo*)". Expecting the user-end code to free it would be an unwise decision.