View Full Version : Suggest books for .NET and Mono development

January 8th, 2008, 10:43 AM
Hi, we're going to get .NET developer certification at work and I thought I'd get a head start and at the same time take a look at Mono and maybe do some examples there, so I can start developing on Linux.

What good books should I take a look at?

What development tools are good for Mono on Ubuntu 7.10? MonoDevelop (http://foodformonkeys.blogspot.com/2007/12/monodevelop-beta-3-is-out.html)and Stetic?

I'll start browsing the Mono webpages for tutorials, like this one;

I'd like to stick to basic Gtk (+/2?) and leave GNOME bindings out of it if that is possible? Or do I have to have the central GNOME libs if I use Mono? I'm sort of a beginner, sorry...