View Full Version : About Nautilus DND and Java

January 3rd, 2008, 10:52 AM
Hi there,
I'm creating a Java file manager for Ubuntu, things go well so far, by now I have a DND (= Drag And Drop) issue:
I know how to "import" (using DND) the files that I drag from Nautilus into the fm, so no problems here, but I also need to "export" files from my fm to Nautilus.
Here's a screenshot:
On the screenshot one can see that Nautilus "understands" the export as a "string" rather than a "file" so instead of copying the file he creates a text file and places in it the path of the file to be dragged.
How do I make it understand that I want it to "copy the file"?
Any link or idea would be highly appreciated..
A working example in other languages such as C/C++ would be appreciated as well (I guess I'll figure out how to do same in Java)..

If needed here's the class that suggests the type of data is being transferred:

class TransferableTH implements Transferable {
private TableTH tableTH = null;
private ArrayList<ExtFile> filesList = null;
private StringBuilder sBuffer = null;
private URIFlavor uriFlavor = null;

public TransferableTH( TableTH tableTH ) {
this.tableTH = tableTH;
uriFlavor = new URIFlavor();
filesList = new java.util.ArrayList<ExtFile>();
ExtFile[] files = tableTH.getTable().getSelectedFiles();
sBuffer = new StringBuilder();

for( int i=files.length-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
filesList.add( files[i] );
sBuffer.append( "file://" + files[i].getPath() + "\r\n" );

public Object getTransferData( DataFlavor flavor ) {

if( flavor.equals( uriFlavor ) ) {
return sBuffer.toString();
} else if( flavor.equals( DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor ) ) {
return filesList;
} else if( flavor.equals( DataFlavor.stringFlavor ) ) {
return sBuffer.toString();

return null;

public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() {
DataFlavor[] dataFlavor = new DataFlavor[ 2 ];
dataFlavor[0] = DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor;
//dataFlavor[1] = uriFlavor;
dataFlavor[1] = DataFlavor.stringFlavor;
return dataFlavor;

public boolean isDataFlavorSupported( DataFlavor flavor ) {
return true;

btw: I'm doing it in Java because I don't know C/C++