View Full Version : Online Japanese phonebook?

December 29th, 2007, 05:03 PM
Hi everyone,

I need to find the phone number of someone living in Tokyo. I have her name and address.

Searching via Google only led me to business phone numbers. There seems to be no phone listings for INDIVIDUALS online.

Does anyone know more about this or would know how to solve my problem.

Thanks for reading.

December 29th, 2007, 05:11 PM
Yahoo has a stranglehold on the Internet in Japan. Did you try searching their pages?

December 29th, 2007, 05:19 PM
No but I'll give it a try now.

December 30th, 2007, 10:12 AM
Looks like no phone listings for individuals exist online.
Thanks for trying to help.

@K.Mandla: seeing you live in Japan, would you by any chance have access to a Tokyo phone book there?

This person is a dear friend of our family and somehow we lost her number. I could PM you her name/address.