View Full Version : Gtk# adding a context menu to "StatusIcon"

December 14th, 2007, 03:07 AM
I'm trying to have a menu pop-up from when the user right clicks on the status icon. The icon shows up fine in gnome but the menu doesn't show. The console write works, so i know the event is getting fired.

Perhaps this has to do with the click event being perform async to the gui thread? If so, anyone know a good solution?

namespace Tempo.Client
public class Program
public static void Main()
Gtk.Application.Init ();

// Creating status icon.
Program.notification = Gtk.StatusIcon.NewFromStock(Gtk.Stock.Info);

// Registering method for callback.
Program.notification.PopupMenu += Program.onRightClick;

// Creating menu and adding items to it.
Program.contextMenu = new Gtk.Menu();
Program.contextMenu.Add(new Gtk.MenuItem("option one"));
Program.contextMenu.Add(new Gtk.MenuItem("option two"));

Gtk.Application.Run ();

private static void onRightClick(object sender, Gtk.PopupMenuArgs evt)

// Args[0] == button clicked && Args[1] == Active Time?
Program.notification.PresentMenu(Program.contextMe nu, (uint)evt.Args[0], (uint)evt.Args[1]);

private static Gtk.StatusIcon notification;
private static Gtk.Menu contextMenu;

EDIT: Gtk# 2.10

December 14th, 2007, 06:38 AM
Hrms, it doesn't look like it's the threading issue since the below didn't work either.

delegate(object sender2, System.EventArgs args)
System.Console.WriteLine("my delegate is being run.");
// Args[0] == button clicked && Args[1] == Active Time?
Program.notification.PresentMenu(Program.contextMe nu, (uint)evt.Args[0], (uint)evt.Args[1]);

Note that the text was printed to the console and the menu still isn't showing. =[

November 25th, 2009, 11:04 AM
I had the same problem as you but solved it by adding showAll before PresentMenu:

trayIcon.PresentMenu(popupMenu, (uint)args.Args[0], (uint)args.Args[1]);

I know this is an old post, but maybe someone else has the same problem.
