View Full Version : What should i do now?

November 21st, 2007, 07:00 PM
Hello! I've been programming C++ for only about a year. I've really got no problem understanding the language.. but i've been a little lazy lately actually trying to program.

What i want to program? In my top list is: Games! Other stuff like making small desktop applications or whatever is fun too!

Sometimes i wonder if i take 'too much' time on a certain programming exercise, and often it can end up being a little messy and eventually i just leave it there...
Sometimes i wonder if i should go back in my programming book and exercise more? Or is it usual that it might take long time on simple programming exercises, like have to watch the code for a very long time?
I would also like to hear from you tips how to make your programming work "easier" to do, like pseudo programming (why don't most c++ books/tutorials tell about it anyway?).

Maybe this post is a litte weird, but i would appreciate some kind of advice of what i should do? Maybe i need some kind of inspiration?

Maybe i should just stay on a certain thing and complete it.. and learn by trial and error..

Thank you :)

Edit: maybe that stickie at the top of this forum will be enough about these questions. I thought it was only links leading for tutorials :(. Thanks again...

November 21st, 2007, 07:08 PM
Hello! I've been programming C++ for only about a year. I've really got no problem understanding the language.. but i've been a little lazy lately actually trying to program.

What i want to program? In my top list is: Games! Other stuff like making small desktop applications or whatever is fun too!

Sometimes i wonder if i take 'too much' time on a certain programming exercise, and often it can end up being a little messy and eventually i just leave it there...
Sometimes i wonder if i should go back in my programming book and exercise more? Or is it usual that it might take long time on simple programming exercises, like have to watch the code for a very long time?
I would also like to hear from you tips how to make your programming work "easier" to do, like pseudo programming (why don't most c++ books/tutorials tell about it anyway?).

Maybe this post is a litte weird, but i would appreciate some kind of advice of what i should do? Maybe i need some kind of inspiration?

Maybe i should just stay on a certain thing and complete it.. and learn by trial and error..

Thank you :)

If you want to start game programming,here's a good place to start

And you have to take your time in doing things and don't try to rush your work...
Good Luck :)

November 21st, 2007, 07:11 PM
Hmmm...We occasionally hear complaints about having to use the Command Line Interface for some administrative tasks. This might be saying that GUI type versions of normally CLI functions could be designed and built?

Maybe a search on this forum for "CLI" would result in indications of what might be useful.

Next question might be how to get your work included in future Linux releases?


November 21st, 2007, 07:13 PM
Thanks! I'll look into that :) More advice is welcome

November 21st, 2007, 07:23 PM
Hmmm...We occasionally hear complaints about having to use the Command Line Interface for some administrative tasks. This might be saying that GUI type versions of normally CLI functions could be designed and built?

Maybe a search on this forum for "CLI" would result in indications of what might be useful.

Next question might be how to get your work included in future Linux releases?


What do you mean? I'm fine with what i do for now, of course. I just need some kind of advice of how to not leave my small projects unfinished for example? I'm not asking how to do a game or something like that..

Maybe i missunderstand you, sorry.

November 22nd, 2007, 12:57 AM
I think arvevans is saying that there are some CLI utilities that people are clamoring for GUI versions of, and perhaps writing such GUI interfaces to these CLI apps would be both useful and doable for you.


November 22nd, 2007, 02:32 AM
I'm speaking from experience with building websites: You'll get bored working on someone else's idea. I recommend you do whatever leads to *spontaneous* inspiration. Some simple ideas:

Read a newspaper while drinking coffee
Read a book while drinking coffee
Smoke some ganja (my preferred method)
Sleep. A lot. You might get cool ideas in a dream.
Take a nice long walk (or sit) and just think. Sort of meditation but less prone

I've simply always found that my best ideas come when I least expect them, and come when I let my mind roam. For me, reading does that, as do many other things. A good curiosity goes a long way here too.