View Full Version : I love the communities reaction to users who are upset or going to leave Ubuntu

November 21st, 2007, 11:57 AM
A community should be about support, at least in my opinion. By support I mean that in every sense of the word.

If someone told me they were going to throw their computer out the window because of Ubuntu, I would just reply to them reminding them to grab the goodies before they toss their computer.

I felt compelled to say something or anything because I saw yet another thread of a user who says they are going to leave Ubuntu and it has at least quadruple the replies over any other topic.

Don't ignore people who say they want to quit Ubuntu/Linux or are bitching up a storm but don't give them any special attention either. Their problems are no more important than the guy trying to hook up his wireless.

I only say this because it's like an ex-girlfriend that you want to get back. You don't get her back by pleading with her that you are the best boyfriend there ever was. No, you stay independent and keep doing your own thing, later her curiosity gets the best of her. She wonders how you're doing and sees that you're doing just fine with out her and actually there are other girls that now have an interest in you. Well, she's about to come running back because she's realized what she missed out on.

It's true, let them go, if Ubuntu was the right solution for them, they will be back.

November 21st, 2007, 12:07 PM
Yeah i never know why people give them so much attention, most of them go on about 'linux not ready for desktop' thing, but really they just arnt ready to break away from their indoctrination of other OSs.

I just think Bawls to them, who cares?

... also comparing the Ubuntu community and someone leaving it to a boyfriend and girlfriend is a little odd ... id say 'some' in the community think its more like someone leaving a religion


November 21st, 2007, 12:11 PM
I suppose, really and I don't even care It's just one of those things I've noticed from day 1 of joining ubuntu forums and it just became time that I said something.

Usually when I say "ubuntu" my friends think it's a band or something, so this was probably the most appropriate place to post how I felt.

November 21st, 2007, 02:09 PM
Not my experience: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=617970

November 21st, 2007, 02:14 PM
Mostly, I've noticed people responding in a "Too bad for you. Mod - please move this?" way.