View Full Version : Thingamablog .deb package

November 6th, 2007, 10:45 PM
You know Thinagamablog? It's a offline-blogging system I discovered recently.
More info here (http://thingamablog.sourceforge.net/)
I couldn't find a .deb package, so I made one with alien under Gutsy. There's no Gnome menu entry ... Sorry, but you may launch it with

at the terminal.
DOWNLOAD HERE (http://hummppa.de/thingamablog_1.0.6-1_all.deb)

August 18th, 2008, 09:47 PM
Is there a package for Hardy Heron?

August 18th, 2008, 11:11 PM
Every time I go and check on Thingamablog, I'm always impressed with how far it has come. I used to know the author and I still remember when he was posting to a forum asking what he should program with Java and someone suggested a blogging application. He had something that was actually usable in just a few weeks and I helped him test the first few versions.

October 4th, 2008, 02:11 AM
(1st post! ):P - Hope the thread isn't considered TOO old...)

I've been using it for quite some time myself, on winblows before I moved over to Ubuntu for personal computin' a while back.
I went the way of just instructing my Java to run the JAR, which worked fine after some minor tweaks.

Anyways, Bob (the author) ROCKS since he made the decision to create a desktop (not necessarily though ;) ) blogging platform like TAMB... it's a mighty powerful beast as it is already, trust me.

When Wordpress and the likes start going down the drain due to resource hogging... Thingamablog is already there to take over... mwuhaha!! :twisted:

Let's just say that I've personally decided to stay smart; I'm sticking to Thingamablog - static pages = lean & mean serving.. ;)

GOOD JOB on packaging it! =D>