View Full Version : New Member Introduction

November 2nd, 2007, 02:58 AM

November 20th, 2007, 11:10 PM
Contents Moved To The Earlier Thread

January 16th, 2009, 10:23 AM
G'day Folks,

Just joined the forum and thought I'd take the time to introduce myself.

I'm a complete newbie with Ubuntu and Linux in general, but decided a couple of days ago that I'd take the plunge and give it a try. I settled on Ubuntu as friends recommended it as a great distro for newbies, and I must say they were right :cool:

I haven't been using computers for all that long, bought my first one about four ago. I started off like many new users, I learned to use the commercial software that came preinstalled on my box, but after a while I started to find I was getting frustrated that many applications didn't really suit my needs and do things the way I wanted to do them. I also got annoyed on just how intrusive some of this stuff is in terms of how much it takes over my system. I believe it's my computer and should work how I want it to, not how some faceless software developer thinks it should. Because of these feelings, I have embraced the philosophy behind open source software and try to use it whenever I can, this is also the reason I've decided to ditch Windows and get into Linux as it gives me greater freedom with how I configure everthing and how my system operates.

I settled on 8.10 as the first distro I'd try, ran it as a live disk for about five minutes and decided that I liked it so much that I'd do a full installation. I partioned my drive and left XP on it, but now wish I'd not bothered and just stuck Ubuntu on, as it's been so easy getting everything up and running that I've not worried about running Windows again. From burning the ISO, trying out the CD by running it live, then formatting my drive and installing took less than an hour. Within two hours I had Ubuntu up and running, Opera downloaded and installed, and even managed to find my backed up documents and import them. I still can't get over how easy it's been to get everything up and running, and how easy I'm finding the transiton from Windows.

Well that's my intro over with, now off to see what I can learn from the rest of the forum


Ubuntu Rocks :guitar:

January 17th, 2009, 05:00 PM
Welcome, both of you! I think you'll find the forums a great place to learn and converse!

February 16th, 2009, 03:09 PM
Hey all,

My name is Todd and I hail from Ansonia "In the valley". I've been using unix's for the better part of 10 years. I've used linux for at least 6 years on and off. Starting with Redhat (pre IPO) days. I've been in the IT field for 10+ years now. I've worked for Perot Systems "run by Rose Perot", a small email fax company in trumbull CT, and Now my current employer is Oracle Corp out of Stamford. I do mostly J2EE based environmental support centered around unix platforms for Oracle acquired Hyperion product line.

My first introduction to Ubuntu was about a year or so ago with Gutsy Gibbon. I started using Ubuntu out of the frustration and bordom of using windows. I went from Gutsy to Hardy then fell off the wagon and back to windows as I needed some apps that I use at work to actually work without too much intervention. Anyway....I am once again interested in Ubuntu. I've downloaded the new 8.10 version and have just installed it into a nice little virtualBox sandbox so that I can play around with it. For a short time I tried the KDE 4 remix of Kubuntu 8.04. I think KDE 4 has lots of potential, but all in all it's still in it's infancy stages IMHO. I have a tendancy to lean towards the flashy parts or linux. That's why I think I like KDE more so that Gnome...both are good but I believe that Gnome lends itself towards usable functionality, while KDE has that plus the flash!!!

I would love to turn the rest of my family onto Ubuntu but fear that I would be supporting them 24/7 with user issues HA HA HA...
So for now our Home PC has Vista and my work laptop has XP and KDE4remix.

so long for now....

February 16th, 2009, 05:02 PM
Hey all,


I would love to turn the rest of my family onto Ubuntu but fear that I would be supporting them 24/7 with user issues HA HA HA...
So for now our Home PC has Vista and my work laptop has XP and KDE4remix.

so long for now....


There should be fewer tech support issues with Ubuntu than with Vista :lolflag:

I hear you, though. I just moved the family out of Windows at home and so-far-so-good. The kids were easy to move ( ;) ) but then again they were running Edubuntu from the beginning.


February 20th, 2009, 02:29 PM
welcome to the forums! :)

i am in fairfield.

i have also moved my family over to linux...but that was about 2 years ago. started them with suse, as that is what i started off with. quickly made the switch over to ubuntu as i find the os much more to my liking and the community is...well, the community is flat out the finest on the web.

my wife and kids (2 oldest are boys, the younger ones girls) were easy. they basically use it just for browsing, email, openoffice and some simple gaming. the switch could not have been easier. they all griped at first, but as soon as they saw how really easy it was for their needs...they had no porblems at all.

my oldest son has since gone on to school at northeastern in boston, where he still uses ubuntu exclusively on his laptop. it is a dual-boot with xp media center...just in case.

my son who is still at home has a dual-boot with xp as well, since he still plays some games which just don't run with linux. my wife and daughters have not used windows in years.

i do some repair/cleaning of windows machines for family/freinds/co-workers, so i always keep xp dual-booting with my laptop and vista dual-boot on this desktop. i never use them...just keep them there for reference if i should need to go to it.

again, welcome to the ubuntu forums.