View Full Version : 10/23/07 IRC Meeting Agenda

October 22nd, 2007, 08:44 PM
The following items are slated to be discussed at this week's Team Meeting:

1. Team Membership Expiration
2. Gutsy Install Party(s) Locations and Dates.

Please post you additional agenda items in this thread or to the team whiteboard.


October 22nd, 2007, 08:50 PM
Regional Teams - discuss feasibility and schedule the regional team meetings ET/MT/WT areas.
Roadmap - get an idea of what we want to achieve and which projects the group should work on to achieve those goals?
Recording "Secretary" - we need one person/or multiple people to be at the meetings and take minutes.
Official Team logo - saxonjf has created some nice logos to use. We should vote on the official.