View Full Version : feh bg scale only?

September 26th, 2007, 08:42 PM
So far after searching most of the feh commands for wallpaper only has scale:

feh --bg-scale /home/you/wallpaper.jpg

Is scale the only option? I tried zoom but doesn't work :P

Is there any other wallpaper setter option out therE?

Lord Illidan
September 26th, 2007, 08:49 PM
What are you trying to do with feh?

September 26th, 2007, 08:51 PM
Set a wallpaper I guess?

September 26th, 2007, 09:34 PM
So far after searching most of the feh commands for wallpaper only has scale:

feh --bg-scale /home/you/wallpaper.jpg

Is scale the only option? I tried zoom but doesn't work :P

Is there any other wallpaper setter option out therE?
I use Esetroot.

apt-get install eterm
Esetroot yourimage.ext

September 26th, 2007, 11:17 PM
it's just hard to read in the terminal, what i do is transfer it to a txt file so i can read it in my editor. just use>
command >> any-name.txt
feh -h >> help.txt
man feh >> feh.txt

then just open the txt file in your home directory.

--bg-tile FILE
--bg-center FILE
--bg-seamless FILE
-s, --stretch

Usage : feh [OPTIONS]... FILES...
Where a FILE is an image file or a directory.
Multiple files are supported.
Urls are supported. They must begin with http:// or ftp:// and you must
have wget installed to download the files for viewing.
Options can also be specified in the in the feh configuration file. See
man feh for more details
-h, --help display this help and exit
-v, --version output version information and exit
-V, --verbose output useful information, progress bars, etc
-q, --quiet Don't report non-fatal errors for failed loads
Verbose and quiet modes are not mutually exclusive,
the first controls informational messages, the
second only errors.
-T, --theme THEME Load options from config file with name THEME
see man feh for more info.
--rcfile FILE Use FILE to parse themes and options from,
instead of the default ~/.fehrc, /etc/fehrc files.
-r, --recursive Recursively expand any directories in FILE to
the content of those directories. (Take it easy)
-z, --randomize When viewing multiple files in a slideshow,
randomise the file list before displaying
--no-jump-on-resort Don't jump to the first image when the filelist
is resorted.
-g, --geometry STRING Limit (and don't change) the window size. Takes
an X-style geometry string like 640x480.
Note that larger images will be zoomed out to fit
but you can see them at 1:1 by clicking the zoom
-f, --filelist FILE This option is similar to the playlists used by
music software. If FILE exists, it will be read
for a list of files to load, in the order they
appear. The format is a list of image filenames,
absolute or relative to the current directory,
one filename per line.
If FILE doesn't exist, it will be created from the
internal filelist at the end of a viewing session.
This is best used to store the results of complex
sorts (-Spixels for example) for later viewing.
Any changes to the internal filelist (such as
deleting a file or it being pruned for being
unloadable) will be saved to FILE when feh exits.
You can add files to filelists by specifying them
on the commandline when also specifying the list.
-p, --preload Preload images. This doesn't mean hold them in
RAM, it means run through and eliminate unloadable
images first. Otherwise they will be removed as you
flick through.
--scale-down Automatically scale down images too big for the
screen. Currently only works with -P
-F, --full-screen Make the window fullscreen
-Z, --auto-zoom Zoom picture to screen size in fullscreen mode,
is affected by the option --stretch
--zoom PERCENT Zooms images by a PERCENT, when in full screen
mode or when window geometry is fixed. If combined
with --auto-zoom, zooming will be limited to the
the size.
-w, --multiwindow Disable slideshow mode. With this setting,
instead of opening multiple files in slideshow
mode, multiple windows will be opened.
-x, --borderless Create borderless windows
-d, --draw-filename Draw the filename at the top-left of the image.
--title TITLE Use TITLE as the window title in slideshow mode.
-D, --slideshow-delay NUM For slideshow mode, specifies time delay (seconds,
can be a decimal) between automatically changing
--cycle-once exit feh after one loop through a slideshow
-R, --reload NUM Use this option to tell feh to reload an image
after NUM seconds. Useful for viewing webcams
via http, or even on your local machine.
-Q, --builtin Use builtin http grabber to grab remote files
instead of wget.
mechanism, useful if don't have wget.
-k, --keep-http When viewing files using http, feh normally
deletes the local copies after viewing, or,
if caching, on exit. This option prevents this
so that you get to keep the local copies.
They will be in the current working directory
with "feh" in the name.
--caption-path PATH Path to directory containing image captions.
This turns on caption viewing, and if captions
are found in PATH, which is relative to the
directory of each image, they are overlayed
on the displayed image.
e.g with caption path "captions", and viewing
image images/foo.jpg, caption will be looked for
as "images/captions/foo.jpg.txt"
-j, --output-dir Output directory for saved files. Really only
useful with the -k flag.
-G, --wget-timestamp When viewing http images with reload set (eg
webcams), try to only reload the image if the
remote file has changed.
-l, --list Don't display images. Analyse them and display an
'ls' style listing. Useful in scripts hunt out
images of a certain size/resolution/type etc.
-L, --customlist FORMAT Use FORMAT as the format specifier for list
output. FORMAT is a printf-like string containing
image info specifiers. See FORMAT SPECIFIERS.
-U, --loadable Don't display images. Just print out their name
if imlib2 can successfully load them.
-u, --unloadable Don't display images. Just print out their name
if imlib2 can NOT successfully load them.
-S, --sort SORT_TYPE The file list may be sorted according to image
parameters. Allowed sort types are: name,
filename, width, height, pixels, size, format.
For sort modes other than name or filename, a
preload run will be necessary, causing a delay
proportional to the number of images in the list
-n, --reverse Reverse the sort order. Use this to invert the order
of the filelist. Eg to sort in reverse width order,
use -nSwidth
-A, --action ACTION Specify a string as an action to perform on the
image. In slideshow or multiwindow modes, the action
in list mode, or loadable|unloadable modes, the
action will be run for each file.
The action will be executed by /bin/sh. Use
format specifiers to refer to image info. See
Eg. -A "mv %f ~/images/%n"
In slideshow mode, the next image will be shown
after running the command, in multiwindow mode,
the window will be closed.
--action1 ACTION These extra action options allow you to specify
--action2 ACTION multiple additional actions which can be invoked
... using the appropriate number key 1-9
--action9 ACTION
-m, --montage Enable montage mode. Montage mode creates a new
image consisting of a grid of thumbnails of the
images specified using FILE... When montage mode
is selected, certain other options become
-c, --collage Same as montage mode, but the thumbnails are
distributed randomly. You must specify width and
height or supply a background image or both
-i, --index Enable Index mode. Index mode is similar to
montage mode, and accepts the same options. It
creates an index print of thumbails, printing the
images name beneath each thumbnail. Index mode
enables certain other options, see INDEX MODE
-t, --thumbnails As --index, but clicking an image will open it in
a new viewing window
--cache-thumbnails Enable thumbnail caching
-I, --fullindex Same as index mode, but below each thumbnail you
get image name, size and dimensions
--bg-tile FILE
--bg-center FILE
--bg-scale FILE
--bg-seamless FILE Set your desktop background to FILE. Feh can
use enlightenment IPC if you are running it,
or will fall back to X methods.
Feh stores the commandline necessary to restore
the background you chose in ~/.fehbg. So to have
feh-set backgrounds restored when you restart X,
add the line "eval `cat $HOME/.fehbg`" to your
X startup script (e.g. ~/.xsession). Note that
you only need to do this for non E window
--fontpath PATH Specify an extra directory to look in for fonts,
can be used multiple times to add multiple paths.
-M, --menu-font FONT Use FONT for the font in menus.
--menu-style FILE Use FILE as the style descriptor for menu text.
--menu-bg BG Use BG for the background image in menus.
--menu-border INT Specify number of pixels that define the menu
background's border. Borders are not stretched
when images are scaled.
-N, --no-menus Don't load or show any menus.
-1, --next-button B Use button B to advance to the next image in any
mode (defaults to 1, usually the left button).
-2, --zoom-button B Use button B to zoom the current image in any
mode (defaults to 2, usually the middle button).
-4, --menu-button B Use CTRL+Button B to activate the menu in any
mode. Set to 0 for any button. This option
is disabled if the -N or --no-menus option is set
(defaults to 3, usually the right button).
-5, --menu-ctrl-mask Require CTRL+Button for menu activation in
any mode (default=off).
-6, --rotate-button B Use CTRL+Button B to rotate the current image in
any mode (default=2).
-7, --no-rotate-ctrl-mask Don't require CTRL+Button for rotation in
any mode -- just use the button (default=off).
-8, --blur-button B Use CTRL+Button B to blur the current image in
any mode (default=1).
-9, --no-blur-ctrl-mask Don't require CTRL+Button for blurring in
any mode -- just use the button (default=off).
--xinerama [0|1] Enable/disable Xinerama support. Has no effect
unless you have an Xinerama compiled in.
--screen-clip [0|1] Enable/disable window clipping based on screen
size. WARNING: with this option disabled,
image windows could become very large, making
them unmanageable in certain window managers.
--hide-pointer In full screen mode, hide the X mouse pointer.
%f image path/filename
%n image name
%s image size (bytes)
%p image pixel size
%w image width
%h image height
%t image format
%P prints feh
%v prints the version
%m prints the mode (slideshow, multiwindow...)
%l prints the total number of files in the filelist
%u prints the current file number
\n prints a newline
Eg. feh -A "mv %f ~/images/%n" *
-X, --ignore-aspect By default, the montage thumbnails will retain
their aspect ratios, while fitting in --thumb-width
and --thumb-height. This option will force them to
be the size set by --thumb-width and --thumb-height
This will prevent any whitespace in the final
-s, --stretch Normally, if an image is smaller than the specified
thumbnail size, it will not be enlarged. If this
option is set, the image will be scaled up to fit
the thumbnail size. (Aspect ratio will be maintained
unless --ignore-aspect is specified)
-y, --thumb-width NUM Set thumbnail width in pixels
-E, --thumb-height NUM Set thumbnail height in pixels
Thumbnails default to 20x20 pixels
-W, --limit-width NUM Limit the width of the montage in pixels
-H, --limit-height NUM Limit the height of the montage in pixels
These options can be used together (to define the
image size exactly), or separately. If only one is
specified, theother is calculated from the number
of files specified and the size of the thumbnails.
The default is to limit width to 800 pixels and
calculate the height
-b, --bg FILE|trans Use FILE as a background for your montage. With
this option specified, the size of the montage will
default to the size of FILE if no size restrictions
are specified. Alternatively, if FILE is "trans",
make the background transparent.
-a, --alpha NUM When drawing thumbnails onto the background, apply
them with a transparency level of NUM (0-255).
-o FILE Save the created montage to FILE
-O FILE Just save the created montage to FILE
WITHOUT displaying it (use in scripts)
-e FONT Use FONT to print the information under each
thumbnail. FONT should be defined in the form
fontname/size(points). eg -e myfont/12
-t, --title-font FONT Use FONT to print a title on the index, if no
font is specified, a title will not be printed
The default mode for viewing mulitple images is Slideshow mode
When viewing a slideshow, the following keys may be used:
p, P, <BACKSPACE>, <LEFT> Goto previous slide
n, N, <SPACE>, <RIGHT> Goto next slide
r, R Reload image (good for webcams)
v, V Toggle fullscreen
m, M Show popup menu
c, C Caption entry mode. If --caption-path has been
specified, then this enables caption editing.
The caption will turn yellow and be editable,
hit enter to confirm and save the caption, or
hit escape to cancel and revert the caption.
w, W Size window to current image dimensions
h, H Pause the slideshow (only useful when using
s, S Save current image to unique filename
f, F Save current filelist to unique filename
timed reloading or image changes)
<, > In place editing, rotate 90 degrees right/left
<HOME> Goto first slide
<END> Goto last slide
<ESCAPE> Quit the slideshow
+, = Increase reload delay
-, _ Decrease reload delay
<DELETE> Remove the currently viewed file from the filelist
<CTRL+DELETE> Delete the currently viewed file and remove it
from the filelist
x, X Close current window
q, Q Quit the slideshow
<KEYPAD LEFT> Move the image to the left
<KEYPAD RIGHT> Move the image to the right
<KEYPAD +> Zoom in
<KEYPAD -> Zoom out
<KEYPAD *> Zoom to 100%
<KEYPAD /> Zoom to fit the window
<ENTER>,0 Run action specified by --action option
1-9 Run action 1-9 specified by --action[1-9] options

When viewing an image, a click of mouse button 1 moves to the next image
(slideshow mode only), a drag of mouse button 1 pans the image, if the
viewable window is smaller than the image, button 2 zooms (click and drag
left->right to zoom in, right->left to zoom out, click once to restore
1x zoom), and mouse button 3 pans.
Ctrl+button 1 blurs or sharpens the image (drag left to blur and right to
sharpen). Ctrl+button 2 rotates the image around the center point.
Button 3 activates the context-sensitive menu. Buttons can be redefined
with the -1 through -9 (or --*-button) cmdline flags. All you people
with million button mice can remove the ctrl mask with the --no-*-ctrl-mask

See 'man feh' for more detailed information

This program is free software see the file COPYING for licensing info.
Copyright Tom Gilbert (and various contributors) 1999-2003
Email bugs to <feh_sucks@linuxbrit.co.uk>

September 27th, 2007, 12:50 AM
Thanks alot for the replies :)

September 27th, 2007, 03:34 PM
feh -m /filewithallyourwallpapers, right-click on the one you want, file>background>take your pick...