View Full Version : javascript keyboard controls

September 23rd, 2007, 04:37 PM
i've been useing javascript for a few weeks and am trying to make a game

Any way i just need some help with useing the arrow keys with keyp

this does not work with firefox (1.5 or 2.0)on ubuntu

left arrow 37
up arrow 38
right arrow 39
down arrow 40

and here's my code

function getkeypress(keypress) {

//when they press a key, if it is a movement key, set the movement variable

keyp = (isNS || isNS6) ? keypress.which : window.event.keyCode;


if (keyp == 37) p1y = -1; //K8

if (keyp == 40) p1y = 1; //K2

if (keyp == 39) p1x = -1; //K4

if (keyp == 38) p1x = 1; //K6

return false;


September 24th, 2007, 02:11 AM

September 24th, 2007, 06:04 AM
Have you used the Firebug extension to find out which key codes are actually being sent?

September 24th, 2007, 03:34 PM
no have not i will try it

September 24th, 2007, 04:49 PM
Another thing: Browser detection is evil. Don't do it. Use object detection instead. Can you really test your script in every browser that any visitor will ever use? See http://www.quirksmode.org/js/support.html for a bit more.

September 24th, 2007, 09:39 PM
will someone test this out
it's just not working

September 25th, 2007, 01:46 AM
You just gave a bare function. It does nothing. Make up a test case, then maybe someone will try it.

September 25th, 2007, 05:29 PM
Here's my code and i will attach the js map file
thanks a ton!


<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">

<div id="player1" name="player1" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><img name="player1icon" src="guy_right.gif"></div>


//initial global variable for map and load map.js to set map values

scrn = new Array();


<script src="map.js"></script>


//isNS is true if the browser is Netscape, false if it is Internet Explorer

isIE = (document.all) ? 1 : 0;

isNS = (!document.getElementById && document.layers) ? 1 : 0;

isNS6 = (!document.all && document.getElementById) ? 1 : 0;

//set browser to capture keystrokes

if (isNS || isNS6) window.captureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS);

if (isNS || isNS6) document.captureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS);

window.onkeypress = getkeypress;

document.onkeypress = getkeypress;

rows = 10; //number of table rows and columns

iconsize = 31; //size of each grid cell

p1CurX=0; //player1 current x position

p1CurY=0; //player1 current y position

p1x=0; //player1 x movement

p1y=0; //player1 y movement

map=0; //current screen

//draw the map grid

document.write('<table background="grass.gif" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">');

for (i=0; i<rows; i++) {

document.write(' <tr>');

for (j=0; j<rows ;j++) {

document.write('<td><img name="r'+i+'c'+j+'" src="no.gif"></td>');


document.write(' </tr>');



//initalize empty array to store the type of each map cell

iconType = new Array(rows);

for (i=0; i<rows; i++) {

iconType[i] = new Array(rows);


//p1 is a reference to the <div> player1

if (isNS) p1 = document.player1;

else if (isNS6) p1 = document.getElementById("player1").style;

else if (isIE) p1 = document.all.player1.style;

//p1icon is a reference to the player image icon

if (isNS) p1icon = document.player1.document.player1icon;

else if (isNS6) p1icon = document.getElementById("player1").getElementsByTagName("img")[0];

else if (isIE) p1icon = document.all.player1icon;

setstart(); //sets player starting position on map

showmap(); //draws the map

//every 100 miliseconds, call the animate function


function setstart() {

//set player starting position on map

p1icon.src = "guy_right.gif";

p1CurX = 1;

p1CurY = 1;

p1.left = p1CurX * iconsize;

p1.top = p1CurY * iconsize;


function showmap() {

for(i=0; i <= rows-1; i++) {

for(j=0; j <= rows-1; j++) {

if (scrn[map].split("\n")[i].split(";")[j*2] != "") {

eval('document.r' + i + 'c' + j + '.src="' + scrn[map].split("\n")[i].split(";")[j*2] + '.gif"');

} else {
eval('document.r' + i + 'c' + j + '.src="no.gif"');


iconType[i][j] = scrn[map].split("\n")[i].split(";")[(j*2)+1];




function animate() {

if (p1x != 0) {

if (p1x > 0) p1icon.src = "guy_right.gif";

if (p1x < 0) p1icon.src = "guy_left.gif";

if ((p1CurX + p1x >= 0) && (p1CurX + p1x < rows)) {


if (iconType[p1CurY][(p1CurX * 1) + (p1x * 1)] == 0) {

p1CurX += p1x;

p1.left = p1CurX * iconsize;

} else if (iconType[p1CurY][(p1CurX * 1) + (p1x * 1)].indexOf("2") == 0) {

doJump(iconType[p1CurY][(p1CurX * 1) + (p1x * 1)]);



p1x = 0;


if (p1y != 0) {

if (p1y > 0) p1icon.src = "guy_front.gif";

if (p1y < 0) p1icon.src = "guy_back.gif";

if ((p1CurY + p1y >= 0) && (p1CurY + p1y < rows)) {

if (iconType[(p1CurY * 1) + (p1y * 1)][p1CurX] == 0) {

p1CurY += p1y;

p1.top = p1CurY * iconsize;

} else if (iconType[(p1CurY * 1) + (p1y * 1)][p1CurX].indexOf("2") == 0) {

doJump(iconType[(p1CurY * 1) + (p1y * 1)][p1CurX]);



p1y = 0;



function doJump(tmpType) {

map = tmpType.split("-")[1] * 1;

p1CurX = tmpType.split('-')[2] * 1;

p1CurY = tmpType.split('-')[3] * 1;

p1.left = p1CurX * iconsize;

p1.top = p1CurY * iconsize;



function getkeypress(keypress) {

keyp = (isNS || isNS6) ? keypress.which : window.event.keyCode;


if (keyp == 38) p1y = -1; //K8

if (keyp == 40) p1y = 1; //K2

if (keyp == 39) p1x = -1; //K4

if (keyp == 37) p1x = 1; //K6

if (keyp == 55) {p1x = -1;p1y = -1;} //K7

if (keyp == 57) {p1x = 1;p1y = -1;} //K9

if (keyp == 49) {p1x = -1;p1y = 1;} //K1

if (keyp == 51) {p1x = 1;p1y = 1;} //K3

return false;

//this is a rpg game coded just for fun!



September 25th, 2007, 05:38 PM
ok and here's my map

ubuntu forums doen't like you to attach .js file

so here's the map code
just save it as js

scrn[0] = ""
scrn[0] += "tower;2-1-1-1;block;0;tree;1;water_left;1;water;1;water;1;wate r_right;1;block;0;tree;1;tower;2-1-1-1;\n"
scrn[0] += "tree;1;block;0;inverter%20houes;2-9-8-8;water_start_up;1;water_up;1;water_up;1;water_end _up;1;block;0;tree;1;tree;1;\n"
scrn[0] += "block;0;block;0;block;0;block;0;block;0;block;0;bl ock;0;block;0;block;0;block;0;\n"
scrn[0] += "tree;1;block;0;tree;1;wall_bridge;0;block;0;wall_b ridge;0;tree;1;block;0;tower2;2-0-9-9;tower2;2-0-0-7;\n"
scrn[0] += "shop3;2-9-7-4;block;0;hobbit%20hut%20HA;2-9-9-9;block;0;manehut;2-8-9-0;block;0;toy%20shop;2-9-9-4;block;0;shop1;2-9-9-7;block;0;\n"
scrn[0] += "block;0;block;0;block;0;block;0;block;0;block;0;bl ock;0;block;0;block;0;block;0;\n"
scrn[0] += "tree;1;block;0;tree;1;block;0;manehut;2-2-1-1;block;0;tree;1;block;0;treefirm;1;treefirm;1;\n"
scrn[0] += "portpod;0;block;0;tree;1;tree;1;block;0;tree;1;por tpod1;0;block;0;treefirm;1;treefirm;1;\n"
scrn[0] += "block;0;block;0;block;0;block;0;block;0;block;0;bl ock;0;block;0;block;0;block;0;\n"
scrn[0] += "tower;2-1-1-1;wall;0;wall_down;1;wall;0;wall;0;wall_down;1;wal l;0;wall_down;1;wall;0;tower;2-1-1-1;\n"

September 25th, 2007, 08:28 PM
Can you make up a test case? In other words, the function that has a problem and some minimal code that calls it. That way, it's possible to isolate the problem, rather than working through the whole program. Also, please surround code in [CODE] tags, not [QUOTE] tags. CODE tags preserve formatting.

Also, you can use document.getElementById without using a browser detect. All browsers except for dinosaurs support it. No need for browser detects.

September 26th, 2007, 03:48 PM
ok thanks
i will do that