August 7th, 2005, 03:45 AM
Hello Ubunturers
Well I cannot Install Ubuntu because I have a Raid 0 Array (Via Via 8237) Made with 2 Sata Drives, and the Ubuntu Install CD (5.04) Doesn't recognize it. It only shows up the 2 hard drives. The fact is that I had prepared a new partition for ubunto previously with 20GB and ext3 and the installer hasn't seen it. ](*,)
Well.. all of we know windows sucks in some ways.. by the other side I'm a Student at the University and all my programming work must be done under Linux.
What can I do to install Ubuntu onto my Raid Array? :-? Something can be done?
Ahh another thing. The installer also didn't recognize my internet Connection, that is an ADSL with modem, with username and pass. In windows i just have to install the raspppoe protocol and query the available services on my ethernet. Then create a conection for that service and just dial with it.
What do we ADSL users do with Ubuntu? ](*,)
I thought it was easier to install it :neutral:
Well.. hope somebody can help me
Well I cannot Install Ubuntu because I have a Raid 0 Array (Via Via 8237) Made with 2 Sata Drives, and the Ubuntu Install CD (5.04) Doesn't recognize it. It only shows up the 2 hard drives. The fact is that I had prepared a new partition for ubunto previously with 20GB and ext3 and the installer hasn't seen it. ](*,)
Well.. all of we know windows sucks in some ways.. by the other side I'm a Student at the University and all my programming work must be done under Linux.
What can I do to install Ubuntu onto my Raid Array? :-? Something can be done?
Ahh another thing. The installer also didn't recognize my internet Connection, that is an ADSL with modem, with username and pass. In windows i just have to install the raspppoe protocol and query the available services on my ethernet. Then create a conection for that service and just dial with it.
What do we ADSL users do with Ubuntu? ](*,)
I thought it was easier to install it :neutral:
Well.. hope somebody can help me