View Full Version : Getting it done in Phila!

September 1st, 2007, 05:53 PM
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to take a moment to summarize some of the small events that have been happening here in the Phila area. Much of this has been mentioned in scattered locations: irc, forum, mailing list, wiki. However, it's easy to leave details out while in a frenzy to get things done.

*** MALT CVG (last Wednesday of each month) ***
Jim, Randy, and I have been busy establishing a relationship with the Mt. Airy Learning Tree's (MALT) Computer Volunteer Group (CVG). After several meetings, long phone discussions, and emails we finally have a regular meeting date for Linux discussions at the CVG classroom. It happens the last Wednesday of every month from 7pm to 9pm. Greg Jenkins who runs the CVG, has given me a key to the classroom in case we have to get in early to prepare or work on our own Linux specific projects. We don't intend to make this a meeting place for LoCo discussions. Our main objective is to expose the members of the CVG to Linux (Ubuntu) so they can then push it into their own community projects. We've already sparked an interest. Now we just have to plan for talks/demonstrations/projects with be relevant to their present community projects. One example of their projects was the one with Girls Inc.

*** NTR (3rd Monday of each month) ***
Jim and I provided a training session at the Nonprofit Technology Resource (NTR) on Aug 22nd from 10am - 2pm. I forget the head count, 6 or 8 people? They each had their own Dell desktop and we walked them through an Ubuntu installation. Along the way answered whatever questions that came up. Our objective at NTR is to thoroughly expose them (volunteers/employees) to Ubuntu. This is not like the install-fest where it was basically just a crash course in Ubuntu. There is a lot of hand holding here and for good reason. NTR has a lot of strong ties within the community and we want to tap into that. We also want them to start selling Ubuntu desktops/laptops in their thrift store. Here are few ideas:

They have a reuse/recycle process that could truly benefit from slim Linux OSes. For example, they have a lot of laptops that are considered trash because they can't run Win2k or WinXP. However, they run Puppy and DSL just fine. I know their new laptop employee and plan to resurrect the laptop project I started several months back.

We are trying to come up with discussion topics for NTR. We have many but for now we need to stay focussed on some of their immediate needs. As a Mac guy, Stan Pokras (NTR director) uses FileMaker Pro for all NTR's database needs. We think we can demonstrate a better solution using a portion of LAMP + OO Base.

Sometimes NTR gets projects with the school district that involve imaging many duplicate PCs at once. I believe they are presently using Norton Ghost for networked imaging. Can we get them an open source solution that is better? Perhaps a headless PXE-type boot? Similar to Linux on Tap but pushes a default image (Windows, Ubuntu, etc) from a server.

I'll be posting this to both the forum and mailing list. Feel free to discuss this further on whatever one you're more comfortable with.

btw, I'm buying a house in Norwood, PA. If things go well, I should be closing before the end of September. I'll try to keep up with the discussions and providing updates on our projects. But don't be surprised if you don't hear from me for up to a week at a time.

September 1st, 2007, 07:46 PM
The next Malt Linux class is Sept. 26th from 7pm to 9pm



for info and directions.

Now that the LTSP server and thin clients are up and running (Do need to be setup and broken down) and the Computer Volunteer class has had the opportunity to play with the Ubuntu OS for a class; the next class is going to be user specific.

Each member is going to pick a task that they are currently comfortable with, in their os of choice, and we a going to allow them to do the same task in Ubuntu.

Some of the mentioned tasks have been presentations, drawing, graphic work, photo editing, and music editing.

If you have expertise in these subjects or are just willing to help us show the group how to accomplish their tasks, PLEASE try to attend and give us a hand. The more the merrier.

Some tasks, like music editing, are not appropriate for the thin client setup, so we will also have stand-alone installs available for the things that the LTSP does not handle well.

All this is an effort to de-mystify Linux and show that while it's NOT windows, it can accomplish all the tasks that any computer user requires.

Comfort = Conversion.

Help us make them comfortable with Linux.

September 1st, 2007, 08:00 PM
The next NTR training session is Monday September 17th 10am to 12 Noon.



for more info and directions.

This group is more advanced as they already have a keen interest in computers. Being part of NTR allows them to be great advocates.

Our role with NTR is similar to MALT but with an advanced student.

We need to make them comfortable with offering Ubuntu or any Linux distribution as a viable alternative to Windows or Mac.

The install class went well. I think that they were all impressed with the ease of the Ubuntu 7.04 install, both off the Live cd and the alternate install disk.

Our next objective was to review the update and synaptic procedures. These were touched briefly at the end, but are such a strong selling point that they need to be re-emphasized.

Also, we wanted to show them the various (and numerous) avenues of support within the linux community.

So even if you can't attend, please be ready to help in the irc chat room. We are going to promote the forums and chat as some of the main places for help if they need it.

As always, feel free to attend. The more the merrier.

September 25th, 2007, 11:20 PM
The next Malt Linux class is Sept. 26th from 7pm to 9pm



for info and directions.

Now that the LTSP server and thin clients are up and running (Do need to be setup and broken down) and the Computer Volunteer class has had the opportunity to play with the Ubuntu OS for a class; the next class is going to be user specific.

Each member is going to pick a task that they are currently comfortable with, in their os of choice, and we a going to allow them to do the same task in Ubuntu.

Some of the mentioned tasks have been presentations, drawing, graphic work, photo editing, and music editing.

If you have expertise in these subjects or are just willing to help us show the group how to accomplish their tasks, PLEASE try to attend and give us a hand. The more the merrier.

Some tasks, like music editing, are not appropriate for the thin client setup, so we will also have stand-alone installs available for the things that the LTSP does not handle well.

All this is an effort to de-mystify Linux and show that while it's NOT windows, it can accomplish all the tasks that any computer user requires.

Comfort = Conversion.

Help us make them comfortable with Linux.

Just a REMINDER. Stop by if you can.

October 4th, 2007, 12:12 AM
The next NTR training session is Monday October 15th 10am to 12 Noon.


https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Pennsylvania...am/NtrTraining (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PennsylvaniaTeam/CommunityOutreachTeam/NtrTraining)

for more info and directions.

October 5th, 2007, 02:07 AM
The next MALT CVG training session is Monday October 24th 7pm to 9pm. This date has been pushed back a week because of Halloween. Go here (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PennsylvaniaTeam/CommunityOutreachTeam/LTSPMALT) for more info and directions.

October 9th, 2007, 09:28 PM
Next Training Session

Date: October 15, 2007
Time: 10am to 12 Noon
Topic: Update / Synaptic / Help

Synaptic / Apt-get
Getting Help
Local Help / Examples
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
Web Sites
Official Documentation
Communinty Documentation
Screencasts https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PennsylvaniaTeam/CommunityOutreachTeam/NtrTraining

November 1st, 2007, 12:47 AM
Saturday November 3rd at 11:00 until completed.

The Build-a-Computer Workshop at MALT


would like some Ubuntu assistance this Saturday at 11:00 am.

The computers are built, and this weekend they plan on installing operating systems. The students would like to have dual boots. Windows XP and Ubuntu 7.10.

They will begin with XP at 9am and would like to get started installing Ubuntu at 11:00am.

All are welcome and encouraged to come out and assist instructing the students with the installation and show the strength of our community.

November 1st, 2007, 03:59 AM
Saturday November 3rd at 11:00 until completed.

The Build-a-Computer Workshop at MALT


would like some Ubuntu assistance this Saturday at 11:00 am.

The computers are built, and this weekend they plan on installing operating systems. The students would like to have dual boots. Windows XP and Ubuntu 7.10.

They will begin with XP at 9am and would like to get started installing Ubuntu at 11:00am.

All are welcome and encouraged to come out and assist instructing the students with the installation and show the strength of our community.

So this is official now?

November 1st, 2007, 12:53 PM
It's OFFICIAL and ALL info can be found by clicking on the link!!

November 4th, 2007, 10:49 PM
Ok, one week, two good events; Release Party and MALT Mini-Installfest. Would have been great events, but in our zeal to accomplish events, people who wanted to participate could not find us.

I apologize for this. Can't believe that it happened two times in a row. There is no excuse. We have plenty of places to provide adequate information to make all events accessible and easy to find.

Kevin had suggested we provide contact info, so I have added my cell phone number as a contact number on all the wiki pages of events I am involved with. If you are planning on attending an event, please take my number with you.

Also, I always have paper, pens, a sharpie, and tape with me, so making signs and posting them will always be done in the future.

If you have tried to come to an event, and couldn't find us, please don't give up. WE NEED YOU. Let us know what we need to do to make the events more accessible and we will do our very best to comply.

November 6th, 2007, 07:33 PM
I added GOOGLE Map information to wiki sites for MALT and NTR events, to assist people in getting to events at these locations.



Hope this helps.

November 16th, 2007, 09:52 PM
REMINDER: Canonical Shop ORDERS DUE soon !!

NTR Training on Monday November 19th



for more info.

Added BONUS:

Ntr has one donated Dell Optiplex GX110 PIII700 business desktop.

There may be more !!

November 27th, 2007, 01:52 PM
MALT Meeting Wednesday 7pm

Next Meeting

Date: November 28, 2007
Time: 7:00 pm
Topic: IRC

The MALT participants will be shown how to utilize the various IRC clients available in Ubuntu. Channels that offer HELP and ASSISTANCE will be featured. The Pennsylvania Ubuntu LoCo (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCo) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntu/img/u-www.png Resources (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PennsylvaniaTeam/Resources); https://wiki.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntu/img/u-www.png http://www.meetlinux.com (http://www.meetlinux.com/), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntu/img/u-www.png mailing list (https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-pa), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntu/img/u-www.png forums (http://pennsylvania.ubuntuforums.org/), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntu/img/u-www.png gallery (http://gallery.meetlinux.com/main.php), and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntu/img/u-www.png wiki (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PennsylvaniaTeam/) will be introduced.

Further info :


December 9th, 2007, 09:44 PM
Greg Jenkins of the Mt. Airy Learning Tree Computer Volunteer Group
(MALT CVG) has sent another project in our direction. Here's a
description of the project provided by Greg several weeks back:


*** Situation ***
Kids at 5 local schools run a fresh produce market on a rotating basis.
The Weaver's Way Food Co-op, sponsors this and has a program
to supervise. The co-op members work in the store as part of their
dues. When in the store they use a MS-Excel spreadsheet to calculate
the sales.

*** Our Mission ***
Configure 6 laptops (1 spare,1 for each school) to do the same thing.
The laptops will not have hard drives, but will have CD-ROMs and USB
ports. Have couple of volunteers demonstrate using the laptops to the
kids at each school. CVG will supply the laptops and Flash drives, if
necessary. The only program that needs to be run is Calc.

*** Outcomes ***
1. The kids get to work in way that more closely resembles the adult
2. A few kids at several different schools get familiar using ubuntu
3. We get some use out of the laptops that don't have hard drives.
4. A small donation to CVG & the LoCo Team.


OK, now to discuss our roll in this. As of yesterday (Saturday 12/8),
some of the information needs to be modified. For starters, we are not
using Ubuntu or OpenOffice's Calc on these laptops. They're simply not
powerful enough to run them. It will be either Puppy or Damnsmall
Linux. I picked up two of the laptops yesterday, proceeded to burned
afternoon and a portion of the night testing them out. I'll send
detailed results of that testing in a separate post.

Here's a brief overview of the rough PA LoCo plan to support this
1. Install Puppy or DSL to CompactFlash for use with CF to IDE adapter.
2. Test this installation on two of the laptops.
3. Verify that the spreadsheet works well with Gnumeric application.
4. If 1-3 are good, purchase 6 CF cards and adapters from Microcenter
and eBay, respectively.
5. Install to rest of laptops at next meeting with MALT CVG classroom

The schedule may seem aggressive but much of it already done. More
details on the testing is coming in my next post.
Best regards,
Kevin Valentine

December 9th, 2007, 10:05 PM
Kevin Valentine wrote:


For starters here are the details and specs on these laptops:
Model: HP OmniBook 900
CPU: 300 - 333 MHz PII
RAM: 32 MB
HDD: none, using CompactFlash + adapter
Video: NeoMagic with neo2200 chipset and 2560 kB of vram

1. So far video only works well in DSL, possibly because it uses the
framebuffer for video.
2. On Puppy the video comes up using the vesa or neomagic driver but
graphics slows down and eventually freezes.
3. In order to boot from the CF drive you must set the CHS info in the
4. In order to boot DamnSmallLinux (DSL) you must pass these boot
parameters: noagp vga=788

