View Full Version : Glick - simple installation at last?

August 24th, 2007, 07:23 AM
This looks very interesting: Glick (http://www.gnome.org/~alexl/glick/). (See also discussion at Ars (http://arstechnica.com/journals/linux.ars/2007/08/23/glick-brings-better-standalone-application-bundles-to-linux).)

Instead of installation packages that spread files throughout the system (and different Linux distros can have different places for the files), Glick apps are a single file, no installation needed. Then using FUSE (file system on userspace) a 'virtual drive' is mounted, in which the app appears to be installed. Very neat idea!

After Klick, autopackage, etc. have not gained serious success, does Glick have a chance? It looks like a nice approach.