View Full Version : The Ubuntu Florida BBS and Software repository.

August 12th, 2007, 11:59 AM
Ok, where to start, I set up a BBS-like server that I hope you guys will take advantage of. Lets get right down to it, shall we?

---Logging in ---

There are 2 ways to log in.

-- Via SSH --

In a term type:

ssh ubuntuflteam@<ip>Accept the RSA and DSA keys and enter the password.

After that you can execute commands and view files, etc.

-- Via SSHFS --

To do this you'll need to go to Places > Connect To Server... where a window will appear. In the drop-down menu choose SSH. Input this into the rest of the fields:

Server: <IP>
Port: 22
Folder: /home/ubuntuflteam
User: ubuntuflteam
Name to use for connection: you can choose what you want to call itAccept the RSA and DSA keys and enter the password.

After that you can browse the folders, write text files with your GUI app, download files without entering commands. This method is more for the non-CLI types.

--- Contents ---

In the home folder there are 4 folders and 1 symbolic link.

The rundown:

Wiki folder: used just like a real wiki but l33ter
Forum folder: make text files (posts) in the folders (forums)
Software folder: software you'd like to share with other team members, write up a .txt files of recommended software in the repositories, no warez please. Please use the link for large files, it leads to another bigger HD, I don't want large files clogging my boot disk. :P
Misc: random crap.

Please read the readme files before you do ANYTHING.

--- Getting the password and IP ---

You will need to contact me (Catsceo) over IRC to get the password and IP, I do this for security reasons.

I will need a link to your launchpad account page as proof you're on the team.

I hope you guys have fun! :guitar:

Edit: I put a wiki page up, I'll update it soon.


August 12th, 2007, 12:56 PM
ok, server's back up

August 14th, 2007, 02:57 AM
W00T! Sticky!

August 16th, 2007, 07:06 AM
The server will be going down sometime this week for a upgrade

September 13th, 2007, 01:35 AM

Copied from ReadMe.txt in /~:
A quick overview of its contents:
Wiki folder: used just like a real wiki but l33ter
Software slink: software you'd like to share with other team members, write up a .txt files of recommended software in the repositories, no warez please.
Multimedia slink: this is a place to share music. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PUT LEGAL MUSIC ON IT, I DON'T WANT THE RIAA/MPAA ON MY ***.
Pics: pictures go here, read the readme file for more info.
Links: make txt files with your favorate links, name the file with your username so we can tell.
Misc: random crap.
Desktop: This is the desktop folder the GUI leaves, please put nothing in it.

I have added a 120 GB HD to the BBS, I partitioned it to 80 GB tho and used the other 40 GB for backups. The 80 GB partition is dedicated to music, podcasts, other misc audio and videos. The 'ubuntufldisk' slink that you may have seen before is now completely dedicated to Ubuntu software, instead of just large files.

some new Folders: Links, Pics and Updates. Links holds recommended links for other team members to visit. Pics haves, what else, pics and Updates are server updates. You can post in the Updates folder if you feel the need or send me a email.

September 13th, 2007, 04:56 PM
i want to play on it :)

September 13th, 2007, 09:41 PM
i want to play on it :)

Come on IRC or email me to get the pass/IP, and you can :)

September 14th, 2007, 12:54 PM
The BBS is down temporally till this IP problem is fixed

September 29th, 2007, 06:22 AM
I made a bash script (located ftp://catsceo.servebbs.net ) that will ssh to the BBS, but you still need to get the pass fro me.