View Full Version : Gutsy is gonna be great.

August 10th, 2007, 11:32 PM
I installed Gutsy Tribe 4 on a test machine at work today. Things are not perfect with it by any means but it looks like it is gonna be yet another great release by the wonderful devs. Have any of you started testing with it yet? What are your thoughts on it if you have.

August 10th, 2007, 11:40 PM
I installed Gutsy Tribe 4 on a test machine at work today. Things are not perfect with it by any means but it looks like it is gonna be yet another great release by the wonderful devs. Have any of you started testing with it yet? What are your thoughts on it if you have.

I currently have two machines running Gutsy and have only a few minor glitches, like adding bookmarks in Firefox would close Firefox rather than add them as bookmarks. The issue was already filed in bug reports and come the next update Everything worked fine.

Otherwise, Things have been stable enough that I even have World of Warcraft installed on one of the two Gutsy test boxes.

I have no complaints and look forward to the final release for Gutsy!

August 11th, 2007, 06:50 AM
I finally gave in to the temptation and upgraded my primary laptop to gutsy solely for the improved kernel and battery management... At first, I chose to install Kubuntu only, and I must say that not much is going on with it... Although much of the "under-the-hood" work has left the system as a whole rather shaky, prone to crash, and generally unusable.

After installing Gnome and the standard array of Ubuntu products today, I can say that Ubuntu Gutsy is looking mighty fine! CompizFusion is beautifully integrated into the environment, it runs smoothly, and hasn't crashed once! Going along with that, the new "Appearances" feature is much-needed, and a great addition.

Aside from an otherwise good experience with Gutsy thus far, I am having major issues with suspend and resume on my laptop, issues that were not present in feisty... so, once I get that sorted out, things will be great!

August 12th, 2007, 04:31 AM
I installed Kubuntu Tribe 4 yesterday and it is pretty stable. Other than having to fix a couple of breakages with cups and flashplugin updates I haven't had any problems. I really like the blue instead of the purple in 7.04. I haven't tried Ubuntu yet. Kubuntu has a lot of things from Ubuntu this release such as the restricted driver manager, and a restricted multimedia package just for Kubuntu, and apparmor. I'm loving it!

I forgot to mention that all of my multimedia keys on my keyboard work out of the box with Kubuntu also! That's a first.

August 24th, 2007, 12:16 AM
Where do you get this? I don't see it on the Ubuntu download page.

August 24th, 2007, 01:07 AM
Where do you get this? I don't see it on the Ubuntu download page.


August 24th, 2007, 02:22 AM
I just wish that the fonts were right. First they were huge and now they are tiny. I dont know what the difference is between Feisty and Gutsy in this regard to mess the fonts up like this. Oh well. I'm sure that they will get it right by the October release.

August 24th, 2007, 02:54 PM
I agree, etank. The fonts were kind of messing me up. But other than that, I really haven't noticed that much of a difference. Maybe it's because I typically stick to the outside, normal stuff rather than digging into the nitty-gritty!

October 4th, 2007, 12:03 AM
Just installed the Beta of Gutsy and it is great. Most everything worked fine, 'cept for my Wifi, had to do all that from command line until I could get a connection and download wicd. Now I got it all worked out and everything's cool, just gotta reinstall a billion programs(so many Python and C/C++ libraries!).
~Jordan "The Stash" Montgomery

October 4th, 2007, 11:45 PM
I installed the Xubuntu 7.10 beta on my laptop last night. So far no major problems, but I'm having issues with Compiz Fusion. Looks good, but it seems like there are still some minor bugs (update manager icon displays incorrectly, wifi is flaky in roaming mode)

October 17th, 2007, 12:01 AM
I haven't beta-tested it, but just from the screenshots and reviews I can't wait till the 18th! :D Ubuntu 7.10 looks like it will be a lot better than 7.04

October 17th, 2007, 12:16 AM
I installed the Xubuntu 7.10 beta on my laptop last night. So far no major problems, but I'm having issues with Compiz Fusion. Looks good, but it seems like there are still some minor bugs (update manager icon displays incorrectly, wifi is flaky in roaming mode)

I switched from Kubuntu 7.04 to Ubuntu 7.10 on my desktop. Gnome has really come a long way since my last really in depth experience with it. I still get a few bugs (nvidia driver is flaky with my card and wine), but I attribute that to early development bugs that will get worked out with time.
My laptop's wifi in roaming mode works much better now as well though Compiz on Xubuntu still doesn't quite work (some issue displaying the window borders).