View Full Version : Introduce yourself
August 2nd, 2007, 08:20 PM
Granted we are a very young LoCo, but let's get the lead out.
My name is Kent Seaton. I'm a 2nd teir computer technician for a large fortune 500 company. My main involvement in the MissouriTeam ( is to help build and expand the Wiki.
I live in the northland of the Kansas City area. If you need any help and I'm on IRC, I'll do everything I can to help with whatever Linux problems you may have.
August 2nd, 2007, 09:23 PM
Im Alfred Fox. Recently relocated here to Kansas City (Overland Park, KS actually). Frequent in the #ubuntuforums irc and have an obsession with all things computer. (Mainly web design, server administration, and coding / scripting)
August 5th, 2007, 11:50 PM
My name is Joe Brouhard.
I'm a 2nd Degree Black Belt and Certified Instructor for Monroe's ATA Martial Arts in Saint Joseph, Missouri.
I"m one of the co-founders of the Missouri LoCo Team. Myself, along with Matt Copple, have had a long-time affection for linux, and have recently started to get serious with *buntu.
My primary job description, other than being a TKD Instructor, is mostly server administration and some scripting. I own and operate Proxima Networks, a hosting company that specializes in PHP/SQL as well as Joomla! hosting.
August 6th, 2007, 08:49 PM
So my name is Kyle
I'm a freshman this year at Butler University, which is in Indianapolis. I just started out with Ubuntu about two months ago, so there's still a lot for me to learn. I live in St. Charles (STL burbs) and I used to live in south KCMO, just across state line from Leawood, KS.
August 7th, 2007, 07:36 PM
I'm Rob Iver, I'm 26 and a programmer for a mid-sized business here in St. Charles, MO (close to St. Louis).
I have been interested in Linux for a long time, but only as a hobby really, but with the release of Vista, I have gone full-fledged Ubuntu and have not looked back. Using it everyday made me go from a "hobbyist" to an uber-leet Ubuntu geek!
I'm usually trolling or hanging out in #ubuntu on FreeNode as RobDaGlob.
Oh, and I just joined the Facebook group! See you guys around the net and (maybe) around town.
August 7th, 2007, 10:38 PM
Fantastic! This is expanding quite nicely. Just a reminder though, don't forget to read up on HowToJoin ( if you are interested.
Keep them coming!
August 7th, 2007, 11:05 PM
Just an FYI, the team page lists the two LUGs in Southwest MO, but neither of them meet any longer due to lack of interest.
August 8th, 2007, 05:50 AM
Just an FYI, the team page lists the two LUGs in Southwest MO, but neither of them meet any longer due to lack of interest.
I noticed that. I've been keeping tabs on the LUGs throughout the state for a little over three months now. Perhaps with a LoCo, the interest may pick back up or find new Ubuntu users in the area not familiar with the LUGs. Part of what the LoCo is all about.
August 13th, 2007, 06:18 AM
Hi, My name is Alex Fleak. I am 53, a medical technologist by trade and a long time linux fanatic.
I moved from using gentoo to ubuntu when dapper came out and am loving every minute of it.
August 15th, 2007, 03:10 AM
Hi everyone, I work at Washington University in Saint Louis for the Department of Genetics. I'm a system administrator and mainly manage CentOS machines, but have started with a few Ubuntu desktops. I've been using Ubuntu for a little over a year and a half now, exclusively on my workstation and laptop, Windows at home for the wife ;) and Battlefield 2..
I'd consider myself intermediate in Linux skill and a jack of all trades in everything else. I like to hang out in the Dell Ubuntu forum here and help out the Dell people and give a good impression. All I purchase for work is Dell anyways so I feel it's kind of in my best interest to get a good Dell foundation going too.
If any of you in the Saint Louis area want to meet up outside of the regular LUG meetings let me know. I've got a classroom with a projector and all the amenities.
August 15th, 2007, 05:22 AM
Welcome to the LoCo you guys. We're up to 14 and apparently gaining quite a bit of an interest. Don't forget we have a meeting tomorrow night at 8:30pm.
Information on the upcoming meeting agenda can always be found at
Also, don't forget to add your information to the team list. I've added the preliminary stub, but you may want to populate the extra information.
Once again, welcome to the Team!
August 15th, 2007, 06:14 AM
Ssshh :-$ I work in Saint Louis, but live in Illinois..
August 15th, 2007, 10:56 AM
Living in a multistate metropolis, it's hard not to be a part of one over the other. I would encourage you to look into the LoCo in Illinois, but considering the circumstances, you are more then welcome to join in. I'm in a similar area myself with Kansas not more than 5 miles from my work and home.
Eventually, I would like to see a Kansas City LoCo... but I want to make sure the state LoCo is self sufficient first and foremost. Perhaps this would be a similar option for you to help build up the states around you and then work with building a City LoCo.
August 15th, 2007, 02:48 PM
Bleh.. Chicago, no thanks ;) I'm a Cardinals fan
August 18th, 2007, 05:56 AM
hey all,
software engineer from lees summit here.
Just started using ubuntu ff server just a few months ago, converted from years of gentoo use.
Daian Cristina
August 18th, 2007, 06:26 AM
Hi Everyone,
I am new in this forum and this is my first writing . I read some of your writings and honestly speaking I feel very glad to be a part of this .I am a person who like to meet people ,to know different cultures , different regions and different countries.Travelling is my passion .I want to explore the natural beauty of the whole world .I believe that the whole world is my home. This is all about me .
I will get a lot of friends by the help of this forum ............
August 20th, 2007, 07:49 PM
Hey everbody, my name is Eric. I'm in St. Charles, MO. I currently do all Windows .NET programming (using C#). My knowledge of linux is very limited at the current time, but is growing every day. I would like to eventually get to doing some work with MonoDevelop. Also maybe some work with Python. Anyway, I've got web experience with php, asp, and
I work with Rob (iver2435) at the same company. Its actually a used computer store (Executive Personal Computers). I'll now proceed to give a shameless plug for them. Check out our site online:
We really do have some good deals on used equipment. We have warehouse sales every once in a while when we have some guys up here doing an install-fest. I haven't been part of them before, but I know they have happened.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to being part of the team.
August 21st, 2007, 02:51 PM
My name is Brian Wahoff, and I am eric_juden and iver2435 manager at EPC (St. Charles) where I serve as VP / CTO.
I have done some open source development previously for I have been a linux user off and on for the last 7 years, but Dapper was the first linux distro I was comfortable making my primary OS.
EPC is primarily a Windows shop, though we look for ways to use / market open source solutions. Eric mentioned the website, which is a mess currently. We are almost ready to deploy our new website which is developed in Django.
August 29th, 2007, 02:29 AM
Hello, My name is Richard Belken, I'm 17, and I live in Central Missouri. Really, in my area, I don't think that many people use Ubuntu... even mac for that matter. My friend does, though, but only because I gave him one of my old computers with Xubuntu on it... he actually does like it though, as the old junker I gave to him and his brothers is alot faster then their families XP computer up stairs... and thats pretty pathetic.
I would love to pass out Ubuntu CD's at my school.... but I have no clue what the outcome would be.... because I'm one of the few people there who's actually interested in computers...
As for my vo-tech class in Jefferson City, sure I will, as its a computer class, and they seem interested in technology enough. However, I'm probably gonna wait until Gutsy Gibbon comes out.
Anyways, I'm in my senior year, and when I graduate, I want to go to Linn Tech to learn computer programming.
Back last September, I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I liked computers, but programming looked pointless because I had no motivation towards programming, as windows had so many programs with people supporting them, and I had no interest in Linux, as my experience with red hat 8 was bad enough.... before the computer that was running it just crashed about 2 years earlier.
But all of a sudden, this friend of mine (not the one I mentioned above), all of a sudden picked up an interest in MSN messenger. Since he had no internet, he constantly used to come over to my house to use my computer.... and I couldn't really trust him with my computer, because hes gullible enough to click ANYTHING his friends send him, and when I got on to him about how I don't want my computer destroyed, he ignorantly told me that I was taking this too seriously, and that it wasn't a big deal if I got a virus on my computer.
I thought my problems would be solved when I got a 6 year old low profile computer. But they werent, because the thing took about 15 minutes to boot up, it was very sluggish, and it crashed all the time. He used it for a while, but eventually he started asking me if we could switch computers, which defeated the purpose of having that miniature computer. I was getting really desperate, because doing a spyware/virus check didn't help, and I wanted him off my computer in fear that he would mess it up, so I thought about giving linux a second try, even though I couldn't figure out how you were supposed to install anything... except by advanced terminal commands that I wasn't familiar with. Before I had stayed away from Linux, because I remember being on my copy of red hat for hours just trying to figure out how you were supposed to set up stuff. Before the computer it was on died on me, I only managed to install flash, real player, and yahoo messenger.
But even though red hat 8 was not a good experience for me, I was desperate enough to try it again, because I remember how Red hat sped up the old computer I installed it on. When I went to their website, I found out about the Fedora project. I originally intended to install Fedora on that computer, but the next day, while I was looking for tech articles for my article review assignment, I stumbled on a CNN article that said: "Former space tourist takes on Microsoft". It was about Ubuntu's goals, and what open source was. Back then I thought Open Source was just a term for Linux programming. I became really interested in Ubuntu, and during the weekend I installed Xubuntu on that computer. I was very impressed, because it turned the computer from piece of junk to something actually usable. Now it only took about 3-5 minutes to load, opposed to 15 when it was running windows 2000 pro. It was also much faster, and even though it still occasionally crashed, it still didn't crash anywhere as much, and it even competed against my main computer in loading time, so I was very impressed. About a month later, my main computer decided to mess up. Since I didn't have a reinstall disc, I just decided to get rid of windows and use ubuntu, because unlike redhat 8, ubuntu actually had synaptic, which put most of my installing needs to an end, not to mention it was easier to use.
Although my friend still asked to switch, because flash player occasionally lost sound, but he didn't ask near as much, and at about that time, he stopped coming over to my house.
Ever since then, Ive wanted to learn programming so I can help Linux in some way... I just haven't found it yet, but I'm sure I will eventually.
I hope I'll enjoy my time here. :)
August 29th, 2007, 06:39 AM
Wait a min. EPCUSA ???
I remember a guy who used to work there.. Mike Wilkerson i believe? He still there or did he move on to new things ? I know Mike through STARFLEET (yes, I'm a geek), and although neither one of us are members, we know eachother a bit.
Just wanting to see if this is the same company :)
August 30th, 2007, 02:25 PM
Wait a min. EPCUSA ???
I remember a guy who used to work there.. Mike Wilkerson i believe? He still there or did he move on to new things ? I know Mike through STARFLEET (yes, I'm a geek), and although neither one of us are members, we know eachother a bit.
Just wanting to see if this is the same company :)
Same company. Mike still works here! He's not into linux though.
As for myself, I will no longer be working at EPC after next Thursday. I got a job as a web developer for Maryville University!
Hopefully ackbarr doesn't dis-own me.
August 30th, 2007, 05:01 PM
Same company. Mike still works here! He's not into linux though.
As for myself, I will no longer be working at EPC after next Thursday. I got a job as a web developer for Maryville University!
Hopefully ackbarr doesn't dis-own me.
Kewl kewl!
Good Luck with that.
September 2nd, 2007, 02:23 AM
I work with Rob (iver2435) at the same company. Its actually a used computer store (Executive Personal Computers). I'll now proceed to give a shameless plug for them. Check out our site online:
Do you happen to know a guy named Mike Wilkerson? I think he is (or was) a graphic / web designer at epcusa. If he's still there, tell him "hi" from Matt Copple.
September 2nd, 2007, 02:28 AM
Do you happen to know a guy named Mike Wilkerson? I think he is (or was) a graphic / web designer at epcusa. If he's still there, tell him "hi" from Matt Copple.
Read post #21 in this thread.... :p :D
September 2nd, 2007, 03:02 AM
My name is Matthew Copple. Along with Joe "jbrouhard" Brouhard, I cooked up the LoCo earlier this summer and currently serve as team contact and head cheerleader. I have several years of experience in the IT industry, where I had the opportunity to use and support Linux, Solaris, and Windows. I also co-owned a computer store and repair service for a while in my hometown.
I was first introduced to Linux in 1998, when my wife and I moved to the KC Metro. For our first few months in the area, we lived with some friends in an old mansion in Leavenworth, KS who had an ISDN line and a router running on Red Hat. Joe Brouhard gets credit, however, for piquing my interest -- he brought down an old Packard Bell machine one day and we installed Linux on it (with no X -- the video couldn't support it). I'll never forget logging in for the first time and then asking him over IRC, "Now what?"
I have been a Linux user ever since. I have had the opportunity to use Linux professionally and as a hobby, and have used nearly all the major distributions -- Red Hat, SuSE, Mandrake, Yellow Dog (on an old Apple g3 laptop), Slack, and Gentoo. After several weeks of rebuilding my Gentoo system by hand because of poor quality control in the portage tree, I decided to check out Dapper Drake. Ubuntu is now my primary distro.
I got involved in the LoCo scene because I believe that with Ubuntu, we finally have a distribution that is easy enough for a layperson to understand and use, and powerful enough to satisfy the demands of business, academia, and IT. For the first time since proprietary OS's began taking over the technology world, a platform exists which can meet and beat the best of them head-to-head. Better yet, unlike its competitors, that platform -- GNU/Linux -- gives you the freedom to continue to innovate as *you* see fit, not as the developer sees it.
After several years of using both Windows and Linux together, I am at last closing in on my personal goal of becoming Windows free. I am looking forward to using Ubuntu with you!
September 2nd, 2007, 03:34 AM
Read post #21 in this thread.... :p :D
/me gives himself a big V8 slap on the forehead!
I managed to completely miss Joe's post and your reply. Oopses!
September 2nd, 2007, 04:54 AM
I think we've all had days like that Matt. Some more than others.
September 4th, 2007, 12:08 AM
Hello, My name is Richard Belken, I'm 17, and I live in Central Missouri. Really, in my area, I don't think that many people use Ubuntu... even mac for that matter. My friend does, though, but only because I gave him one of my old computers with Xubuntu on it... he actually does like it though, as the old junker I gave to him and his brothers is alot faster then their families XP computer up stairs... and thats pretty pathetic.
I hope I'll enjoy my time here. :)
Welcome, Richard! My wife has a lot of family in Central Missouri. Her parents live up in the Moberly area, and she has about a regiment of cousins, as well as a sister, who live in Columbia. We met at the University of MIssouri and lived in Columbia for several years before moving to KC.
There used to be a really active LUG in the Columbia area, but I don't know whether it is around anymore. You might contact the CS department at MU -- if anyone would know where the Linux guys are hiding, they would. :)
September 4th, 2007, 12:37 AM
September 4th, 2007, 08:51 PM
My name is Milo Housknecht. I have used Linux for a few years now off and on. Lately more often than in the past and I now have one of my 3 PC's completely Ubuntu! I consider myself only a novice Linux user for now. I would like to bump that up a notch quickly, which is part of the reason why I joined the group. I'm not particularly helpful yet since everyone else here knows a crap-load more than I do, but I have not been slacking on converting people over to the light side! I got a few people interested already at my new job at Handmark! A friend here and I are going to try to convince the company of the need to get the OpenMoko phone for some Linux development :D
September 7th, 2007, 04:28 AM
My name is Mike. I'm a typical nerd with a patient and understanding wife. I work for a Fortune 500, located in the KC Metro area, currently, with a background in just about everything under the sun. I've worked in a variety of fields but currently am a technical lead for TeamSite development.
I've been a Linux user since '98 timeframe, back when RedHat was RedHat and the versions started with numbers like 5. :) Since that time I've tried pretty much any flavor at home and spent numerous years as a Solaris and Linux admin professionally. I currently run Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Fedora 4, Solaris (SPARC), and a custom kernel configuration. I was turned onto Ubuntu a while back and decided to stick with it after installing it on an old laptop; it was the only distro that actually worked with my soundcard. I had spent many hours hacking other distros to make it work, so apparently the little things weight heavily for me. From the days of compiling my own network drivers to now having wireless support "out of the box", things have come a long way and the future looks very bright.
September 7th, 2007, 04:37 AM
My name is Drake. I'm very art driven. I've only recently been turned onto linux after getting away from Windows by apple. Now I'm slowly falling in love with Ubuntu. I have messed with DSL, Suse, and Red Had for a while but never could really get it right until ubuntu. Currently running Ubuntu under a virtual machine on my mac. I want to completely move to ubuntu/linux but I figured I payed WAY too much for my mac/osx it would be hard for me to switch now. Currently trying to save up money to build a machine specifically for Ubuntu.
I live in a state that is mostly driven by "followers" (South Louisiana) when it comes to computers. Its hard to find "hard-core" linux fans here.
Into recording music/photography/graphic design/website development.
Currently trying to learn to program because I want to eventually contribute to the Linux community. I love what its about and its community.
October 1st, 2007, 06:46 PM
Hello All,
I live in Wildwood (St. Louis suburb). I work as a chemical engineer, and I use Ubuntu on my home computer, but limited to the use of Windows XP on the company laptop.
I started trying various distributions of Linux when Windows crashed and burned on my home computer, and I love the speed and protection from the onslaught of all the malware. I've ended up with Ubuntu Fiesty, and it is impressive. There is still some software that I haven't (yet) figured out how to run on Ubuntu, so I still have XP sharing space on the hard drive.
Its a fun hobby at this point.
October 9th, 2007, 06:29 PM
Hi Everyone!
My name is David McCormack. I work for the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, MO. My current job title is Technology Buyer at the University Store. This includes all computers, software, peripherals, etc. sold to students, staff, and faculty.
I have been working with computers and software since 1985. My first computer was a Tandy TRS-80. From there I graduated up to DOS. During this time I ran my own BBS. For many years I worked will all the flavors of Windows and went to school to become a Windows Network Administrator. After graduation I went to work for Hallmark Cards in KC. At that time I starting working on Mac systems and had my first experience with Linux. I believe it was Redhat. Several of us Geeks tried to install it on a old Compaq. Boy what a challenge! Ever since then I have been hooked!!
I had an offer to go to work for the University of Central Mo as their computer store/mac service manager. Since this gave me a chance to move back to my home town of Warrensburg I jumped at the chance. Mac OS X is currently my primary OS. I have tried out several Linux distros. Redhat, OPENsuse, etc. Over the past year I have found that Ubuntu is the most easy to use but at the same time powerful enough to do the most demanding tasks. Currently I run Edgy under VMware Fusion on all of my Mac systems and have a deticated PC at home.
I have always wanted to learn more about linux. This has been sometimes a bit frustrating. I am the type of person, that when they set there mind to figuring something out, won't give up until they have the answer. I hope that in the future I will be able to help others learn more about Linux and the best distro available.... Ubuntu!
October 16th, 2007, 06:05 AM
I'm Ted Snider from Pleasant Hill,MO. I work in IT for the Hickman Mills School District. I starting using 6.10 while I was a student at Devry. I am now using the 7.10 beta. Thanks for the opportunity to join the local Ubuntu community!!
October 17th, 2007, 08:18 PM
Hello, my name is Bob Nelson. I live in the St. Peters area outside St. Louis.
I discovered Ubuntu about 9 months ago and have never looked back. I have toyed with Linux for a few years before I discovered Ubuntu and never found it to be as useful as I wanted it to be. When I bought my first laptop it had bloat Vista and there were no drivers for XP for the laptop. Ubuntu to the rescue.
I work here in St. Louis as a software engineer. I have been into computers since about 1987 starting with my Commodore 128.
With the release of Gutsy just around the corner are there going to be any install parties in the St. Louis area?
January 14th, 2008, 07:43 PM
Hello, I am Philip Dorr of Pleasant Hill,MO. I currently atend DeVry in Kansas City, MO (not downtown). I starting activly using GNU/Linux on my desktop about one year ago. I am now using Ubuntu 7.10, and planing on using mythbuntu 7.10. I have been using a Linux firewall (Smoothwall) since 2001.
January 17th, 2008, 06:08 AM
hello, I'm John from Springfield, I am a programmer (intern until May...) for AECI and a linux user/promoter in my free time
February 18th, 2008, 04:54 AM
Im Aakash
I live in Clinton, MO, Im in 8th grade.
April 15th, 2008, 03:53 PM
My name is Rick Clark (dendrobates on freenode) I will be moving to St Charles, MO on April 25. I am originally from St Louis and glad to return after many years.
I am the Manager of the Ubuntu Server Team for Canonical, the company that funds Ubuntu. I will be the first Canonical employee in Missouri, although another is considering the move.
I would love to connect with people in the St Louis area to help evangelize Linux and F/OSS. I will help the LoCo in any way I can.
April 15th, 2008, 08:21 PM
My name is Rick Clark (dendrobates on freenode) I will be moving to St Charles, MO on April 25. I am originally from St Louis and glad to return after many years.
I am the Manager of the Ubuntu Server Team for Canonical, the company that funds Ubuntu. I will be the first Canonical employee in Missouri, although another is considering the move.
I would love to connect with people in the St Louis area to help evangelize Linux and F/OSS. I will help the LoCo in any way I can.
Dude, too legit. Server Team Manager in the Chuck? On a scale of 1 to Awesome, that gets a kick ***. I hope you enjoy all that St. Chuck has to offer (dunno exactly what that is but meh)
April 30th, 2008, 05:49 AM
I guess there is even less going on in Missouri- Kansas has nothing eithere. I hail from Lawrence.
April 30th, 2008, 05:57 AM
Howdy. Glad to be here. I'm just starting with the new Kubuntu. It's my first *buntu, though I've used various flavors of Linux over the past 3 years.
Time pressures and the desire to use my computer for something other than tinkering drove me here. So far, I'm very pleased.
May 2nd, 2008, 05:07 PM
My name is Heath and I work in IT @ Missouri State University West Plains. We're 99.44% Windows. But I love Linux, especially Ubuntu. I try to inject Linux, anywhere and everywhere I can, on and off campus.
July 5th, 2008, 01:14 AM
Hi everyone,
I am a complete linux noob, but I have been trying to switch to Ubuntu ever since a professor gave me a live disc (back when it was just a live disk) while I was working a shift at Hollywood Video.
Well due to a lack of motivation (read: motivated to game)along with wireless probs with our laptop, I have yet to make the switch completely.
However, I have tried to spread the word about Ubuntu (and other FOSS) where I can.
I'm located in St. Peters and work in Troy. We just moved out from California at the beginning of the year.
Well I hope that I will be able to help out in developing the community (and that you guys can help me:wink::wink::wink:)
Happy Independance Day! (Also celebrate independance from Microsoft.)
August 7th, 2008, 03:47 PM
I thought I would introduce myself, since I just joined a few minutes ago. My name is Ernie Merrill, and I work in Monett, Missouri. I have been experimenting with numerous distrobutions of LINUX over the past year, and have found UBUNTU the easiest to install and use. I am currently running UBUNTU Hardy on one of my laptops, and MINT on the other. I plan to set-up a desktop unit with MYTHBUNTU for my media center. Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I would also like information on a LoCo in my area (Monett, Springfield, etc.). I haven't had any luck as far as responses from anyone.
August 7th, 2008, 03:56 PM
Re: Introduce yourself
"My name is Rick Clark (dendrobates on freenode) I will be moving to St Charles, MO on April 25. I am originally from St Louis and glad to return after many years.
I am the Manager of the Ubuntu Server Team for Canonical, the company that funds Ubuntu. I will be the first Canonical employee in Missouri, although another is considering the move.
I would love to connect with people in the St Louis area to help evangelize Linux and F/OSS. I will help the LoCo in any way I can."
Rick Welcome to Missouri! My daughter and Son-in-law live in St. Louis (South County). Both of them are CIS graduates, and I have been in a few discussions concerning LINUX with both of them. I have been evangelizing UBUNTU to my Son-in-law for quite some time, and I beleive I have piqued his interest. He is interested in seeing my MYTHBUNTU media unit when I have it up and running. Maybe we could get together sometime and discuss the future of LINUX.
August 17th, 2008, 04:49 AM
I'm actually 2 blocks on the Kansas side in KCK. I can help some but mostly need extra heads to help me figure out stuff when I get in over my head.
August 17th, 2008, 05:17 AM
I thought I would introduce myself, since I just joined a few minutes ago. My name is Ernie Merrill, and I work in Monett, Missouri. I have been experimenting with numerous distrobutions of LINUX over the past year, and have found UBUNTU the easiest to install and use. I am currently running UBUNTU Hardy on one of my laptops, and MINT on the other. I plan to set-up a desktop unit with MYTHBUNTU for my media center. Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I would also like information on a LoCo in my area (Monett, Springfield, etc.). I haven't had any luck as far as responses from anyone.
I used to work in Monett at JHA. Are you there, at the glass company, or the playground equipment company? (the "big three" ;))
August 25th, 2008, 03:23 PM
So, i finally got around to discovering MO has a LoCo, yay!
The names Chris, go by Rune... on irc and the internet Nythain and or Nythanial... I live in the northland Kansas City area. Been using ubuntu for a while now... my actual job is boring and demanding, as a well experienced Cashier in the fast paced Convenience Store industry :P
havent had much participation in Ubuntu short of "user" untill recently... i've suddenly become interested in actually attempting to contribute in whatever ways i can.
ps. i triple punctuate a lot... aparently this is bad, but meh, its me... doesnt mean im mad, retarded, or from aol, just a bad habbit i've picked up over the years... hope everyone learns to ignore it :P
October 2nd, 2008, 07:08 PM
Hey guys, just joined the MO LoCo today. I live, work, and go to school in Columbia (I go to Mizzou), where I'm also a member of MLUG.
I've been using Ubuntu/Linux for 2 years now and can't ever see myself switching back to Windows. I run Ubuntu both on my laptop and my webserver.
I'm an avid programmer and a recreational web developer.
October 19th, 2008, 05:21 PM
Re: Introduce yourself
Rick Welcome to Missouri! My daughter and Son-in-law live in St. Louis (South County). Both of them are CIS graduates, and I have been in a few discussions concerning LINUX with both of them. I have been evangelizing UBUNTU to my Son-in-law for quite some time, and I beleive I have piqued his interest. He is interested in seeing my MYTHBUNTU media unit when I have it up and running. Maybe we could get together sometime and discuss the future of LINUX.
Sure. Just send me a pm when you want to get together. As long as I'm in town, we can meet up.
October 28th, 2008, 09:48 PM
I think I am the only one here so far from SE Malden, bout 25miles from Kennett. Anyways, I spend all of my time trying to gather as much info as possible bout Ubuntu Server-side apps. When to school back in NJ my home state, for networking / and security, we worked on windows 2000 server platforms, so all of my Linux experience has been self taught and from these forums.
I have bout 7 yrs of personal technical experience, with remote administration, scsi raid 5 systems, and webservers. I am also knowledgeable of graphic / web development (adobe cs3, php, mysql) currently trying to learn python, and perl.
I habve tried time and time again since I have made the move to MO to land a job in the IT or computer field, but it has been no luck, since here the population is very slim, and it seems they don't take to kind to strangers or (outsiders as they like to put it) and hire people like there family members, and or friends that have zero knowledge bout the job.
So I have been spending alot of time learning the tools of the trade to start my own biz and become there competition.
Anyways, glad to be here, and to see that there is a LoCo for MO!
November 11th, 2008, 12:26 AM
Hello all!
My name is Eric and I was introduced to Linux/Ubuntu about a month ago by a coworker whose screen name is Teds. I am a new technician working for the Hickman Mills C-1 School District and I simply love Linux/Ubuntu! Also, I reside in Kansas City, MO.
This forum is a great source of knowledge and I look forward to learning as much as can about this OS! Linux/Ubuntu rocks :guitar: !
Bob B. - USA MO
October 14th, 2009, 12:41 PM
Hello all,
I don't know how active the group is since the last post is over a year old, but here goes. My name is Bob Bailey I'm a retired IT person living near Fulton MO. As far as Linux goes I'm an absolute beginner, but I have been working with and on computers since the 1950's. As a hobby I do video editing, build projects with PIC microprocessors, create web sites for friends, do wood and metal working. Hopefully my first serious Linux project will be to replace a windows based system on my CNC milling machine. Right now I'm reading just about everything I can find about Linux, but have not installed it yet. I have a lot to learn.
Bob B.:)
October 16th, 2009, 08:19 PM
Hello all,
I don't know how active the group is since the last post is over a year old, but here goes. My name is Bob Bailey I'm a retired IT person living near Fulton MO. As far as Linux goes I'm an absolute beginner, but I have been working with and on computers since the 1950's. As a hobby I do video editing, build projects with PIC microprocessors, create web sites for friends, do wood and metal working. Hopefully my first serious Linux project will be to replace a windows based system on my CNC milling machine. Right now I'm reading just about everything I can find about Linux, but have not installed it yet. I have a lot to learn.
Bob B.:)
Hi Bob!:PMy name is Rick.You seem to be right about not being much going on here.I started exploring Linux a little over a yera ago.I have done my share of "Distro Hopping"and have finally gotten myself settled in with 9.0.4-x64.I visited the MoLoco forums a few weeks back,and there was just not much apparent activity.Myself,I am not in the Tech industry in anyway,just a curious user! I enjoy trying out new,and different FOSS software,and like experimenting a little.Welcome!:guitar:
Bob B. - USA MO
October 25th, 2009, 08:02 PM
Thanks Rick,
I have now installed 8.04 LTS in a dual boot mode. I'm having a lot of fun discovering some of the features of Linux. The biggest problem I have is learning the terminology. I have a lot of questions, but want to study the Wiki before I start asking them. Also I have installed QCAD and want to try blender after I gain experience. Still very much an absolute beginner.
October 28th, 2009, 06:23 AM
Thanks Rick,
I have now installed 8.04 LTS in a dual boot mode. I'm having a lot of fun discovering some of the features of Linux. The biggest problem I have is learning the terminology. I have a lot of questions, but want to study the Wiki before I start asking them. Also I have installed QCAD and want to try blender after I gain experience. Still very much an absolute beginner.
I have learned a lot just from visiting different forums,and reading articles,reveiws,and an occasional Blog post.Enjoy the adventure!:p
October 29th, 2009, 07:23 PM
Hi my name is Nick and I'm a Network Operations Surveillance tech working for a Phone/Cable/Inet company in Lenexa KS, which is also where I live. I have been an avid Linux user for some years now, I started on RedHat 9 then went to Fedora around 5 or so, and have used the last three Ubuntu distros. Actually i'm waiting for my bit-torrent download to finish up so I can burn a 9.10 copy. I choose the Missouri group as I have lived there my entire life, and i'm just down the road from MO now. I grew up near O'Fallon MO, and went to school there. I recently went back to college and I am completing an associate of Information Technology degree in Dec. I'm ready to be done with school.... I'm not really sure what to expect in regards to joining the group, but I think getting the word out for Linux, and for Ubuntu is a great thing and want to take part in it.
November 18th, 2009, 01:37 AM
Hi everyone, my name is Cindy and I am currently homeschooling my children. I live in Republic. My profession was Nuclear Engineering, before children. To stay a little technical while homescooling, I enjoy toying with computer hardware and trying new software.
I installed Ubuntu 9.10 and so far no problems. I like that my computer runs cooler and that there is less processes running in the background; my computer is much more responsive. My wish is to see my HP Express TV tuner card work in Ubuntu. One other wish is to see TVU Player give support to Linux.
I did try Linspire some years ago, and it was good, but not as good as Ubuntu.
December 5th, 2009, 03:50 AM
I'm Curtis Hall, I'm 28 and I'm married with a two year old daughter and I live in Fulton. My irc nick is azop
I work for Bluecherry ( / ( Bluecherry services the Linux community by supporting several open source projects such as Zoneminder ( and Motion ( Being that our software application is maintained around Jaunty we are a Ubuntu shop.
I've been using Linux since the 2.0 compile-it-yourself-kernel days (Slackware -> Debian -> Ubuntu). I have the privilege of working with several very competent software developers including a formally paid / now volunteer Canonical kernel maintainer. It's interesting to talk to him about the behind the scenes stuff in Ubuntu and / or Canonical and it's great to have him available to know what to expect in new Ubuntu kernel releases.
December 28th, 2009, 01:43 AM
Hello! I'm Thomas. I am 15 years old and I'm a proud Ubuntu Linux user from Waterloo, Illinois, which is about 20 minutes from St. Louis. I know HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL and Javascript and I'm currently learning C++ and Java. I'm a third degree brown belt in Tae Kwon Do and I can play the piano and I'm currently learning how to play the guitar.
I have Ubuntu installed on my sucky desktop and Mint installed on my Alienware m15x Laptop. I will be purchasing a Linux native Dell desktop in the future.
December 28th, 2009, 01:44 AM
I have Ubuntu installed on my sucky desktop and Mint installed on my Alienware m15x Laptop. I will be purchasing a Linux native Dell desktop in the future.
While Dell does have computers pre-installed with Ubuntu you might want to also look at System 76.
December 28th, 2009, 01:47 AM
While Dell does have computers pre-installed with Ubuntu you might want to also look at System 76.
I have, but Dell is the cheapest and I'm sort of low on cash. My parents are expecting me to be more self sufficient, now that I'm 15. I'm going to pay half of a $400 desktop.
January 20th, 2010, 07:27 AM
Hi my name is Galen and I am a newbie to Linux and Ubuntu. I got tired of rebuilding that other OS after crashes. I am running a homemade machine with Ubuntu 9.1. I have yet to be able to crash this system with 550+ programs installed on a single core 2.8 GHz CPU. I live in southwest MO and I was looking for the newbie general chat forum. Does anyone know of one? Also I would like to take a look at the manual coming up with 10.04. Write back and I think there is room for expansion here in this part of the state.
January 20th, 2010, 07:46 AM
Hi, I'm Nick, and I'm an alcoholic.
Oh wait, sorry, wrong intro.
Hi, I'm Nick. I'm 20, and I'm a freshman at Adams' State University, majoring in wildlife biology. I've been using Linux exclusively for over a month now and am very, very pleased with it. It's much faster than Vista was, and despite what I've heard from some users who are using laptops, it's running fine on mine.
I've some other fun stuff about me, but I'm sure you're already dangerously close to tl;dr for most of this thread. ;)
April 9th, 2010, 11:27 PM
Hello everybody,my name is Randy.
I'm 43 and live in Harrisonville,Mo. Its only been about a year and a half ago when I first started trying to learn about computers when I started having problems with my desktop. Now I have several and just started using 9.10 in a dual boot with vista on my Toshiba laptop. I have been very happy with it and would like to learn more so I can help other people.
If anyone is in the KC area and would like to get together or chat in the forum would be great. .
May 4th, 2010, 03:52 AM
Arthur (Dremation) Williams here. In Cape Girardeau. I'm a long lived M$ Developer, however have started to dive into the Ubuntu world and not minding it much at all.
May 15th, 2010, 01:47 AM
Keep diving Arthur, because the more you dive, the better you will love Ubuntu. I love the freedom, speed, and the consistency of operation on my laptop. Cindy (Springfield Area)
May 20th, 2010, 09:42 PM
Jon from Lee's Summit. Involved with HiR, CCCKC and a bit with KCLUG. Geek at heart and very long time Surplus Exchange shopper. Thus far I've converted my sister, both parents and a couple friends to the Linux way. All of my family has been at their request to have something better than what was happening to them under that other OS. With everyone I've converted all my support help calls have dropped to configuration help and hardware help. OS crashes and malware calls from those moved away from that other OS are Nil. The worst I've had are problems with things getting a bit wonky between releases on in place upgrades.
Stray Wolf
October 20th, 2010, 09:47 PM
Justin here. Launchpad members may know me as JWDinKC. I'm a new member getting a feel for the group. I looked to join this group through the forum but it's not listed as an actual group or I missed it. Either way, this seems like a good place to interact aside from IM's and chat conferences. I'm trying to see if we are, or can get organized into a coherent group with over arching principles to unify us for a common purpose. We all like Ubuntu, that's why we're here. So, what can we all (or mostly) agree on as principles and how do we carry those principles out? That's the discussion I believe is being carried out right now. Please join. I'm honored to be here and thank you all for being comrades in computing!
November 5th, 2010, 06:44 PM
My name is Chris and I live in Columbia, have for the better part of my life, with a few short stints in Oklahoma, Minnesota, and Colorado. I am a Linux newby. I have run my own computer repair business for several years and remember at one point saying that I would never use I guess I changed my mind and now prefer it to windows. Every system I build gets the newest stable version of Ubuntu put on it.
I run 3 servers out of my home which are still in their bug I spend alot of time trying to finish these. I attend Columbia College and am working towards a BA in Computer Science with a minor in Computer Information Systems.
May 18th, 2011, 06:42 PM
Hello all! \o
My name is Matt Hopper, Matt3223 on freenode, I live down-south in the Springfield area. I believe I started using Ubuntu with 8.04, distrohopped a bit, but still using 11.04 as my main setup. (think I've come to like Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Crunchbang as my favorite distros).
Work as a Medical Technologist, oh... Medical Laboratory Scientist I get to call myself now... :) with a Specialist in Hematology.
Now that my boy is getting older, I'm ready to get back into some hobbies! Hiking, Mountain biking, astronomy, and working on the family start-up vineyard are the biggies that have been on hold.
And certainly not the least, getting more involved with Ubuntu and joining up with the MO LoCo team! My big interest in joining is to get involved in helping promote the team, get some projects/events/meetings ticking along and move on towards approval!
Look forward to getting to know some of you all!
July 31st, 2011, 04:29 PM
Hey, I've been using Ubuntu for a few years now, and I've regretted not learning more about it and being involved in the community. I can't say that I'll have copious amounts of time to spend on the forums, but I want to get involved a little bit.
I live in the St. Louis area.
August 9th, 2011, 04:46 PM
Hello there sonuvagunder! and welcome! time... yeah, time is often hard to come by for the hobbies, but we do the best we can!
Anyhow glad you decided to give the team a look. Activity is a little low at the moment, but hopefully that will be turning around soon.
St. Louis aye? Cool. Our little startup-vineyard is up that way a bit, so I'm in the area every once in a while.
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