View Full Version : why: I can't run openldev

August 1st, 2007, 04:20 AM
when the openldev startup pic appeared ,it crashed.

I don't know how to solve it.

I just type the "apt-get install " command to install it.

August 1st, 2007, 12:19 PM
I think there is a tiny bug or omission in the openldev-settings/openldev-project.cc file.
See this thread:

The error is described in this http://i1.no/04k5/ bug-report.

Do this:
-2) Uninstall Ubuntu's version of OpenLDev
$ sudo aptitude remove openldev

-1) Install some necessities (it may require other packages too)
$ sudo apt-get install libgtksourceview-dev libvte-dev libgnomeprintui2.2-dev libgtk2.0-dev

0) Download the OpenLDEv source ( openldev-1.0.tar.gz ) from

1) Open the openldev-project.cc file (in the openldev-settings directory)
$ gedit openldev/openldev-settings/openldev-project.cc

2) and fix the openldev_project_settings_new(...) function by adding the following 2 lines to the code.

// Nullify the structure
memset(settings, '\0', sizeof(ProjectSettings));

The function should look like this after changes.

// Open the project located at the specified file name
ProjectSettings *openldev_project_settings_new (gchar *filename)
ProjectSettings* settings = g_slice_new (ProjectSettings);

// Nullify the structure
memset(settings, '\0', sizeof(ProjectSettings));

settings->open = FALSE;

if (filename == NULL)
settings->name = NULL;
openldev_project_settings_load_project_file (settings, filename);

return settings;

Save the file.

3) Configure, compile and install it.
$ cd openldev
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

4) Start it.
$ openldev

5) Inform the developers of OpenLDdev about this bug.
Are they still active?

6) Make the Gutsy's developers known of this issue so the bug is fixed there too.
OpelLDev is included in the Gutsy??

November 23rd, 2007, 03:42 AM
me pueden dar una mano con esto. no puedo entrar al openldev.
lo corro desde terminal y me aparece

panti@panti-pc:~$ openldev
Fallo de segmentación (core dumped)

alguien sabe porque?