View Full Version : GTK Look n' Feel

July 16th, 2007, 08:40 AM

I was wondering if you guys might know of a good how-to regarding changing the default Java look n' feel. I'm working a lot with jEdit, which is a Java application and would like it more integrated with the Gnome desktop... Heard this is possible but couldn't find any accessible information for a non Java developer.

Thank you.

July 16th, 2007, 04:17 PM
Yes, it is possible.

In the ~/java/lib dir, create / edit a file with name swing.proprierties:

Change the line:

swing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.CURRENTLO OKANDFEEL


swing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLo okAndFeel

July 16th, 2007, 04:44 PM
I found a java folder inside the /usr/share directory, created the swing.properties files with the indicated line but it's not working ...

Occasionally Correct
July 16th, 2007, 05:29 PM
You can set the look-and-feel programmatically using the UIManager (http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/swing/UIManager.html):

import javax.swing.UIManager;
String laf = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName();
catch (Exception e) {}

You can find some more information about it (along with sample code) here (http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/lookandfeel/plaf.html#programmatic).

Hope that helps. :)

Edit: Oops, I thought you wanted to change the look-and-feel of your own applications. Sorry. :p

July 16th, 2007, 05:36 PM
Some applications change the L&F programmatically, so its not possible to force one.

But, jEdit have a Look And Feel selector in its options. (When I used it, it had).

Other solution.:

Start the app with:

java --laf com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel -jar jedit.jar


java -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKL ookAndFeel -jar jedit.jar

July 16th, 2007, 07:58 PM
The first command is giving me this error:

Unrecognized option: --laf
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

and the 2nd is starting jEdit but with the default look and feel.. no gtk :(

July 16th, 2007, 08:25 PM
You can change the Look and Feel in jEdit, there is an option somewhere!

Eric Buist
March 25th, 2012, 12:57 AM

I am facing the exact same problem, but with the UIMA Document Analyzer tool which has no option to change the look and feel. It is very problematic, because each time I am searching for this, I find only posts describing how to change the look and feel programmatically. I tried the swing.properties editing, but it seems that the OpenJDK included with Ubuntu is lacking the GTK look and feel. If you call UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClass(), you will get the class name for the Metal LAF, not even the Nimbus one! I am now stuck with a growing wealth of unusable applications, including all Java/Swing ones. That is becoming a real show-stopper for me. Without a solution, I will be forced to give up on using a computer, or switch to a lower non-native resolution. This is very frustrating, I'm feeling I reached a dead end now.