View Full Version : AZ LoCo Branded DVD
June 27th, 2007, 11:25 PM
Hello everyone,
I would like to offer my services making custom livecd images(iso's) for the AZ team .
Lets go at some ideas for custom splash, usplash , themes, applications, etc.
- Jeff
June 30th, 2007, 10:58 PM
Jeff, nice job. Is that a custom cd or dvd? If cd, how did you get all 4 versions on one cd?
July 1st, 2007, 12:18 AM
Jeff, I tested the DVD out, and everything looks really good. Also, I just saw the DVD cover you made. Pretty nice looking. I think I may pick up a few lightscribe DVDs and test it out.
July 1st, 2007, 05:07 AM
It's a DVD a liveDVD, I borrowed it from a Ubuntu Select from Linuxstore - they did the's really a good idea though so I figured I would use it for us.
It's set up like a normal liveCD with the menu pointing to full iso's of other Ubuntu flavors.
Isolinux/casper -
- Ubuntu
- Kubuntu
- Xubuntu
- Edubuntu
Each with their own isolinux/casper set up, ingenious idea they had.
What I would like to do, since we are setting people up with Desktop and server installs, we could have both server and desktop on here too. Adding more should be easy enough.
I didn't change ALL the boot images, just the main one... so we could make some files of our designs, and custom desktops and perhaps themes.
We could add more software.... what ever ppl think is really important. - or not
I dunno I like modding stuff, so you all tell me what you think.
-- Jeff
July 1st, 2007, 05:09 AM
Jeff, I tested the DVD out, and everything looks really good. Also, I just saw the DVD cover you made. Pretty nice looking. I think I may pick up a few lightscribe DVDs and test it out.
Thank you and I wanna see a picture of it if you do --
The svg is there too, so you guys can edit it, I liked yours better -- I just had the text from the Ubuntu cds on mine.
I will add it to my site , hoping to get a Kingman Lug together.
July 6th, 2007, 04:56 AM
Ubuntu Server is now on the AZ LoCo Ubuntu Select liveDVD.
Now I need to work on the boot screen , making it prettier.
Let me know what you think.
July 7th, 2007, 04:19 PM
Jeff, I really like what you've done here! We need to find out how many of us are capable of burning DVD's. Anyone who can, please post here, or let me know. Thanks
July 9th, 2007, 01:28 AM
I can pickup some lightscribe DVDs and burn them, using the DVD cover Dustin made.
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