View Full Version : Choosing a license

June 27th, 2007, 10:38 PM

I'm creating a simple java application and want to host it on google code or sourceforge but I have to choose a license.

I heard about GPL/LGPL and common creative, I went to the GPL site but the license is too long! where the common creative is simple and clear.

The following CC license describes what I want and I'm wondering if the GPL is the same or at least covers the following:

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. Others can download and redistribute your work just like the by-nc-nd license, but they can also translate, make remixes, and produce new stories based on your work. All new work based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also be non-commercial in nature.


Google code only allows GPL, Apache, and other licenses so if the GPL covers the above then I'll choose GPL.


June 27th, 2007, 10:53 PM
Full CC License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/legalcode)

The page you link to is the license summary, not the full one. The above is the link from the page you provided to the full license. I think if you look at it you will find it is at least as long as the GPL.

Good on you for trying to pick an appropriate license, but length should really not be an issue (you can always include it as a text file called LICENSE after all, and space is cheap these days).

June 27th, 2007, 11:04 PM
The GPL website actually provides a summary of the GPL in laymen's terms for you to check whether it provides what you need.

June 27th, 2007, 11:06 PM
Thanks for the reply.

The issue isn't space or how long the license is. I know which CC license to choose and what it covers.

I was wondering what the GPL covers? I guess I'm just too lazy to read the whole thing :)

June 27th, 2007, 11:07 PM
The GPL website actually provides a summary of the GPL in laymen's terms for you to check whether it provides what you need.

I didn't see that, I'll check it now.
